First Semester at OSU

My first semester at the Ohio State University has been filled with joining student groups, fighting the urge to procrastinate, and going on adventures with my fellow humanities scholars. I’m not just talking about the trip to Chicago, even though that was a really fun excursion. I will forever remember the trip we took to the Italian festival or trying to paint along with Bob Ross which is more stressful than some of my classwork. One of my fears going into college was I wouldn’t be able to connect with as many people and be unable to stay afloat but I’m glad that fear has been erased entirely. I also used to be afraid that I would not be able to keep up with my classes, but college has improved my studying skills greatly. Relating to this, I would like to thank my bullet journal especially for keeping me organized. In general, most of the things I worried about before I came to college I don’t think about anymore. For the rest of my semesters at Ohio State, I plan on staying involved with the humanities scholars program by attending the Broadway in Columbus shows, going to daytrips within Columbus, and eventually becoming a mentor to be as helpful as mine were for me.