Student Organization Spotlight: The PRactice


This week we are thrilled to highlight Ohio State’s very own student PR agency, The PRactice.

The PRactice is a student-run public relations firm at The Ohio State University.  Their mission is to create an environment for students to excel and learn skills pertaining to the public relations industry.

Students get hands-on experience in everything from creative, event planning, social media, sales, marketing and media relations.

The experiences students have in the PRactice are more like an internship than a student organization. Students are expected to commit a lot of time when working with clients.

The PRactice works with clients like Easton Way, Order Up Columbus, Buckeye Brittle, The Bindu Project and more.

Last year, students who worked for Ride for World Health had seventeen media hits in three months for their event. Five students had their press releases published in newspapers across the nation.

In addition to that, the PRactice helped plan the 2014 Regional PaRtners Conference that was held in the Ohio Union in April hosted by the Walt Seifert chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America at the Ohio State University.  Students and professionals who attended, spent time exploring what is up and coming in the world of PR. These stories are just a couple of examples of the great work that students do in the PRactice.

For more information about how to join or work with the PRactice for public relations help for your next event, visit or e-mail

Find them on Twitter and LinkedIn

Some of the members of The PRactice

Some of the members of The PRactice

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