
This is a picture of my broomball team, taken right before our first game on October 1st, 2017. It was taken at the OSU Ice Rink in order to remind us of our first game. I selected this picture because playing broomball last night really helped me bond with my friends. It was the first competitive club I had joined at OSU and being part of a team made me feel great. We were encouraging and lifting each other up. We were able to use our communication and leadership skills from being part of Mount Scholars and walked away with a 4-0 win. Broomball is not something I would usually do, but my friends encouraged me to come out of my comfort zone and I ended up scoring and having a great time. I chose this artifact because my first broomball game is something that I will always remember and I know I want to keep playing. I learned how to communicate with my teammates along with how to act quickly and efficiently while under pressure. Broomball is a fast pace game so everything has to be done with speed. I look forward to more successful games with my fellow broomballers and enjoyed the challenge it brought.

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