College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of Astronomy
Department of AstronomyRichard Pogge


Ph.D., Astronomy & Astrophysics, 1988, University of California Santa Cruz
M.S., Astronomy, 1985, University of California Santa Cruz
B.S., Physics, 1983, California Institute of Technology

Research Areas

Astronomical Instrumentation
Nebular Abundances in HII Regions
Active Galactic Nuclei


Curriculum vitae [PDF]
Bibliography [PDF]


Astronomy 1101 From Planets to the Cosmos
Astronomy 1102 From Planets to the Cosmos (online)
Astronomy 1141 Life in the Universe
Astronomy 2291 Basic Astrophysics and Planetary Astronomy
Astronomy 2292 Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology

Ohio State Astrophysics Series

A series of graduate and upper-level undergraduate textbooks being written under contract to Cambridge University Press.  Editor in Chief and primary author is Barbara Ryden.  I am the Technical Editor and co-author of the first volume, and I created the Jupyter notebooks for all original book figures.  These notebooks are available on the Cambridge GitHub repository as book ancillaries.

Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium (Volume 1), Ryden & Pogge – April 2021
Stellar Structure and Evolution (Volume 2), Pinsonneault & Ryden – April 2023
Celestial and Stellar Dynamics (Volume 3), Ryden – 2024
Astrophysical Gas Dynamics (Volume 4), Ryden – 2025