How did 9/11 affect you?


The 9/11 Memorial South Pool in New York City.

The 9/11 Memorial South Pool in New York City.

As 9/11 arrives again this year, I am reminded that our confused, chaotic, untrusting, contemporary world began that day in 2001.

No matter our age, the world changed at that point in time.

Is it too trite to suggest that we all lost our innocence that day?

The depth of the impact hit me forcefully when I visited the memorial in New York City.

That deep, dark hole made Dante’s nine circles of hell a reality for me.

As we try to sort out current events, it may serve us well to remember the before and after of that tragic day.

How did that day impact you? What do you remember? If you were very young on that fateful day, how did you learn about it? What did you learn?

I invite you to share your thoughts by posting a comment below.

I issue this invitation because in sharing our humanity, bonds are built between us. I believe such bonds allow us to stand stronger.

Use the questions below to jumpstart your thoughts. Or share your own comment about or reaction to 9/11 and its effect on you and yours.

After 9/11, I felt ____________________ because ___________________.

After 9/11, I took this action to help victims: _________________________.



Photo credit: By Dave Z – 9/11 Memorial, CC BY 2.0,