Friday links: June 6, 2014


altman_960x Daniel Altman’s guide to where to invest around the world. Four Sub-Saharan African countries are in the top 20. Ethiopia is 27th, and the U.S. is 26th. Altman uses eight factors to predict the total pretax return investors might expect: economic growth, financial stability, physical security, corruption, expropriation by government, exploitation by local partners, capital controls, and exchange rates.
Ezequiel Lavezzi The best World Cup player names and how to pronounce them, for all the fans.
Traits_of_Disengaged_Employees_Infographic_crop An infographic describing the disengaged employee. Sure, these folks are annoying to work with. But does this give employers a free pass?
protect-yourself-when-eating-out-950px CDC says more than half of reported foodborne outbreaks occur in restaurants. The center offers an infographic with 4 tips to prevent food poisoning when eating out. I find #3 challenging with a husband and daughter who like their burgers still pink in the middle.
DataVisualization_US_Health_Map_Smoking_2 A very cool tool for exploring U.S. health trends. Click on life expectancy. I may need to move to Gunnison, Colo. (Just kidding. I’m joking. This is a joke. I know this is for people born in 2010.)