Blog post 3

My concept map highlights the perfect points of having a healthy and vital city. A city can’t run if not all parts of it are intact together. therefore every part depends on another part. In my concept map, the yellow is the main idea, the salmon color is the broad sections of a city and the green is every little detail of a city. the black lines are showing how each one is connected and how one deeply depends on the other. Just by looking at the concept map, you can see what is needed for the ideal city.
The biggest part of a city is urban design. Urban design sets up how the city is going to look and what parts are needed in the city. A huge part of urban design is buildings, zoning, green areas, and mobility. Urban design affects both transportation and the environment. It affects transportation because the zoning and planning of the roads affect how many cars are going to be on the road, where bus stops are, and where is the most traffic. Transportation has multiple parts to it, the main part to it is mobility. Multiple things go with mobility such as cars, busses, trains, metros, boats, and infrastructure. These are either form of transportation or ways that transportation affects the city. The other thing that urban design affects is the environment. There are multiple areas of the environment but the main one is green areas. Green areas are also made in the zoning/ designing of a city. Green areas are very important in an environment because it keeps the environment safe and healthy. There are so many more areas on the concept map that all depend on each other just like green areas and mobility depends on urban design.

Cities: Skylines is the perfect example of my concept map because it truly shows how a city is supposed to run and how the domino effect works in a city. the first part to building a city in Cities Skylines is building the highway and setting up the zoning. Before a building is built, it is zoned and placed in the correct zoning area. Also, a huge part of Cities Skylines is making sure that the traffic flow is kept at a high rate. this is done by making sure that there are enough forms of public transportation so that not a lot of traffic is created. Another important part is making sure the city doesn’t have too much pollution and clean water.

The affects urban design, transportation and the environment have on a city.

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