
Final IA Reflection

Date: April 2, 2020

Location: Remote

Infectious Diseases SCOPE: Town Hall COVID-19

For my final IA reflection I attended a town hall zoom meeting with SCOPE discussing COVID-19. In this meeting, there were various representatives of the public health sector in Ohio speaking on the development of the disease, the innovations currently in the works, and what we can/should do until the number of people diagnosed goes down. The speakers primarily focused on answering questions from the moderator and the listeners. One issue that was discussed that stood out to me was whether or not good news should be disclosed to the public as soon as it is discovered. That is something that employees in public health and government were grappling with as they wanted to keep the public informed, but were cautious because the disease was still rapidly spreading. They described it as a wicked problem, one that has many implications on a variety of stakeholders with no clear solution. I think it is good to keep people aware, but in this case I feel like good news will make people think it is okay to loosen restrictions and disobey stay at home orders. Another interesting issue was the disagreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). When this zoom meeting occurred, the WHO was saying that encouraging the use  of masks for everyone could potentially make the issue worse. Many people do not know how to properly wear/take care of the masks. Additionally, with more of the general public using masks, there will be a smaller supply for essential employees. The CDC released a statement stating the opposite, saying that all Americans should be wearing masks everywhere they go. I thought this was interesting because they are both medical and public health organizations, but they provided different instruction. It made me think about how difficult it is to develop cohesive and efficient communication in times of crisis.

I figured attending this zoom town hall would be a fitting way to end my second year IA portfolio. I wanted to educate myself on the global event that we are living through by attending this town hall and learn what government officials were doing to limit the spread of disease, as well as what I could do to protect myself and those around me. I never could have imagined the past two months being this way, but I can definitely say they were a defining part of my college – and life – experience. COVID-19 has made such a major impact on everyone on the planet, so it felt natural to make it a topic in my international affairs portfolio. I never thought I would be living through a pandemic, but here we are, doing the best we can to adapt to eventually return to a state of normalcy. Hopefully, reality will become more like what we were used to, but it will take a lot of collective initiative to get there.

Campus Event: Global Engagement Night

Event: Global Engagement Night

Date and Time: Tuesdays at 6PM

Location: Enarson Classroom

This month I attended three global engagement night meetings to meet new people and learn about different cultures and ideas through discussion. In the three meetings I attended, we talked about global street art, social media, and India. I felt the most interesting topic we discussed was global street art because I learned about the different political and social messages street art can carry. We talked about Banksy and his role in making controversial and thought-provoking art to get a message across. I think this type of art is inspiring because it gets people’s attention and forces them to think about issues greater than themselves. Although street art can carry a deeper message, other forms of street art are done for aesthetic and recreational purposes. I learned there are a lot of fun street murals around Columbus so I am looking forward to finding these and exploring the artistic ideas that are expressed in the city. I appreciate how street art is a public and free way of viewing art. Art museums can be expensive and not everyone has the luxury of being able to go, so street art provides an easier method of viewing art. 

At the next meeting, we talked about the rise of social media and its prevalence in society today. The discussion was based on how we use social media on a daily basis and the different types of social media that are popular around the world. We were shown a video that was basically a timeline of which social media platforms were most popular every year since the 90’s. Facebook is currently the most popular and has held this position for a long time, but one thing that I thought was interesting was the rise of the Chinese blog app Weibo. It is currently ranked near Facebook and has been popular since MySpace was around. This surprised me because I, along with most people at the meeting, had never even heard of it. I never really thought about how different countries use different forms of social media that are not as popular in the United States, but considering each country has different cultures and lifestyles, this makes sense. After talking about how we used social media, we ended the meeting by watching Vine and TikTok compilations.

At the most recent meeting I attended, we learned about India and Indian culture. We learned about the history behind the name of India, its geography, its population dynamics, and we learned a little bit about the culture. We kicked off the meeting with an activity that was based off of an Indian artform of Henna. We traced our hands and drew things that were important to us in the open space. Next, we watched videos explaining India’s geography and population in comparison to the rest of the world. The following presentation continued to talk about Indian culture such as popular foods and dances. At the end of the meeting we watched a tutorial on a popular Indian dance and attempted to recreate it. I had never thought to learn more about India, but I am glad I was given the opportunity to hear more about Indian culture.

Global Engagement meetings are a way for me to learn about topics that have adaptations all over the world. Street art and social media are topics that I already know a little bit about because I have experienced them here in the U.S and in my daily life. I knew they existed outside of the U.S. but I never took the time to learn about how these concepts differ around the world. I think these meetings relate to international affairs in this way as these general topics are being applied on an international scale. I appreciate these meetings because I am able to learn a little more about a topic I never thought to learn more about. Not only are the discussions we have educational, but it is a great way to meet people. Everyone there is really welcoming and I feel comfortable sharing with them because they share as well. Overall, I enjoy attending global engagement meetings and I plan on attending more.

Campus Event: STEP Expo

Event: STEP Expo

Location: Ohio Union

Time: 4:30-5:30 session

At the STEP expo I tried to find posters that related to my interests and were similar to what I want to do with my STEP money.

The first poster I saw was about a semester abroad a girl took in Guyana to study Spanish. Her major was international studies and she had already spent time learning Spanish so she wanted to use her STEP money in a way to further her language learning while experiencing a new space. An interesting part of her trip was that it was through an outside OSU-approved program and she stayed with a host family. She felt this was the most rewarding part of the semester because she could experience how people in Guyana lived on a day to day basis. She also was able to meet new people, both OSU students and non-OSU students, on this trip. From the perspective of an IA scholar I would say this trip relates to international affairs because she put herself in a country she was genuinely interested in to learn the language, culture, and customs. If given the opportunity I would definitely consider going on this trip. I am no longer studying Spanish at OSU but I do miss it at times. I think it would be an amazing experience the day to day life in a Spanish speaking country since I’m only used to what I see in Spanish television.


Another poster I saw was one about a trip that a girl took to the rain forests in Thailand to rehabilitate elephants that were once used for tourism, analyze their behavior in the wild, and teach English. When I first saw her poster I thought it was a voluntourism trip and was slightly put off, but once she went into detail about the type of research she did with it seemed like something I could support. I’m sure the work she did with the elephants was beneficial and it seems like a great opportunity to see firsthand how the commodification of wildlife impacts the animals, but I am always skeptical of English teaching excursions. There’s nothing wrong with teaching English abroad, especially since knowing the language is a valuable communication skill, but I feel it’s important to acknowledge the relevance of neocolonialism. In this sense it relates to international studies because it touches on the globalization of the English language. English has become a language that is taught in most countries since knowing the language enhances the social and economic capacity of an individual. Having the privilege of knowing English allows us to teach others how to make their voices heard globally. I think the rehabilitation/research goal of this trip is interesting and would consider going on it, but I would want to do more investigation in the setting in which English is taught and who I would be teaching. 


The third poster I looked at was one that I actively sought out. This presentation was about the Ohio State led study abroad program in Australia called Human Impacts on the Natural Environment. The girl presenting spent 3.5 weeks in various places in Australia and learn about the diversity of ecosystems in the continent. From going to the Great Barrier Reef and studying marine life to exploring the rainforests, she was able to learn all about the wildlife in Australia as well as the ways in which human behavior have negatively impacted their habitats. I plan on using my STEP money towards this study abroad program if I am accepted since it is related to my personal and professional interests. This relates to international affairs because it tackles issues of human encroachment on wildlife habitats and lack of policy protecting certain ecosystems. These problems are not unique to Australia and it’s important to see how these issues impact ecosystems across the world.


Another poster I looked at was one about an internship at the Ohio EPA. The girl presenting to me was a chemistry major and was interested in working in a lab setting. At her time at the EPA she focused on preparing fish samples to be analyzed and supporting the head researcher in whatever they needed done. She said it was a valuable experience and it solidified her interests in lab-work, but she may not continue with a lab at the EPA. I thought this was applicable to me because I had considered applying to intern at the EPA in a water/air quality lab or to explore the policy side of environmental issues. I think hearing her experience made me feel less enthusiastic towards lab work because she said her lab work was very similar to what was done here at OSU. While it seems like that means OSU prepares students well for lab work in real life settings, it also means the work is at a similar high intensity. I would still consider applying to be an intern at the EPA but I would have to explore all of the positions that are available to see which best suits me. Working at the EPA relates to international studies as it is a governmental agency that creates policy not only on local levels, but also nationally through the federal EPA. These policies influence how the United States acts on the international environmental stage and therefore impacts the condition of the world.


The last poster that I looked at was about a sea turtle conservation trip to Costa Rica. On this trip, the presenter patrolled the beachfront for hours at a time to look for sea turtles coming on to shore and laying their eggs. Unfortunately she did not see any as she did not go during turtle season, but she said she also explored the jungles and learned how to identify birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles based on morphology and behavior. In addition to this she learned how to collect various types of data. I think the most interesting part of her trip was that she was the only Ohio State student and the rest of the people with her were from all over the world. She talked about how this aspect of the trip allowed her to meet people from a bunch of different countries and hear their different lifestyles and experiences. This relates to international affairs because conservation of endangered species is a global concern that is necessary to maintain stable ecosystems. Like the issues mentioned in the Australia study abroad, endangered species are not unique to one specific area and the loss of species disrupts the connectivity between ecosystems across the world.

Professional Development: Career and Internship Fair

Event: Career and Internship Fair

Date: 9/18/2019, 12-4 PM

Location: Ohio Union

This month I attended the Career and Internship Fair in hopes of finding an organization that provided internships in the environmental science field. I spent most of my time at the booths for the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency so I could learn about the opportunities they provided for students in the Summer. The zoo seemed to have some interesting research internships where I could interact with the animals and learn about conservation initiatives. Working for the zoo would be an incredible experience and it would be a memorable summer, but I think the EPA had more positions that were suited towards my interests. After talking to the representatives from the EPA, I learned that they had a wide variety of internship possibilities ranging from environmental policy to measuring air and water pollution in Ohio. I plan to look through all of the available positions and apply to the one that interests me most, but it may not work out as I am going on a study abroad and have to take a Summer class as well.

The roles that I am hoping to fill within these organizations do have a connection to international affairs because environmental issues always have an international component. Despite these internships being more localized to central Ohio, the problems that are addressed are not unique to Ohio. Greater environmental issues like global climate change and its associated consequences are seen in changing weather patterns and its effects on the livelihoods of Ohioans, especially those that rely on agriculture. Ohio, along with the rest of the mid-west and many other parts of the world, feel the impacts of climate change. Not only are Ohioans affected by climate issues, but primary industries within ohio are some of the main industries responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. Coal mining and the use of coal for electricity is one of the main sources of emissions in Ohio along with transportation. I believe it would be beneficial for me to work as an intern in the EPA so I could learn more about the science behind understanding how environmental issues affect living conditions in Ohio, as well as the evaluation of policies regarding these issues.

Service Event: Community Commitment

Event: Community Commitment

Time: 8/24, 7:30 AM-1:00 PM

Location: Habitat for Humanity

To kick off the beginning of my second year at Ohio State, I decided to attend the Community Commitment event with some friends. At this campus wide event, hundreds of students went into the Ohio Union and were\ sent off to various organizations around Columbus to participate in service activities. The places people went to varied from the Olentangy Wetlands to Goodwill. My group and I were sent to the Columbus Habitat for Humanity. I wasn’t sure what we would be doing because I didn’t really know what Habitat for Humanity did and I always associated this organization with building houses. We walked in and saw aisles of furniture, wood, and other building materials that were for sale. Our leader greeted us and explained that Habitat for Humanity is essentially a Goodwill store and a Lowe’s combined. Instead of selling thrifted clothes and accessories, they sell thrifted furniture and tools. Learning that a store like this existed was good to hear because I know basic housing necessities are expensive. Being able to get these items for a cheaper price is very helpful for those who cannot afford to pay the full price at a store like Lowe’s. Our leader continued to explain the goals of Habitat for Humanity and how they impact our community.

When our volunteering began, we were informed that we would be smashing wooden pallets that they no longer needed. This was exciting as I had never destroyed something while volunteering. We did this for the two hours that we were there and let me tell ya I was very sore the next day. Although it was physically exhausting, I had a good time since I learned more about an organization I knew nothing of. I found it personally enriching to learn more about what Habitat for Humanity does on a local scale rather than just building houses. I would say this related to International Affairs because Habitat for Humanity’s goals include creating a world where everyone has a decent place to live. By having a shopping center where local Columbus residents can purchase low-cost materials, they are able to help people in our community achieve this goal of decent living conditions. Having locations all over the world allows Habitat for Humanity to reach out internationally and help improve the shelters of those who cannot afford the outrageous prices of housing materials.

Non-IA Event: “Syrian Trajectories from Damascus to Euroland“

Event: Syrian Trajectories from Damascus to Euroland

Date and Time: April 12th 4:00-5:30 PM

Location: Pomerene Hall


For my non-IA event this semester I attended the talk “Syrian Trajectories from Damascus to Euroland: Trans Mediterranean Assemblages” by Dr. Leila Hudson. In this talk, Dr. Hudson discussed her project in which she assisted a family that was trying to relocate from Damascus to Germany. Her talk was broken up into three discussion points of ethnography, family, and information assemblages.

When talking about ethnography, she talked about how the people she was helping were five middle aged, working class sisters and their families. Ultimately she ended up helping the youngest sister cross the Aegean with her children. Dr. Hudson pointed out how helping the women allowed her to see the perspective of women and  how their experiences as refugees are different compared to men. Women experience completely different obstacles and have to make different decisions especially in regards to family.

Dr. Hudson also talked about how she learned the importance of family in making the decision to relocate and how the journey can cause the family unit to deteriorate. She referred to the family as a tree that when uprooted shows the “fluid network of relationships”, but this tree-like structure falls apart to the point where these connections break down as the refugees get farther from home.

While traveling, it is necessary for refugees to have a cell phone that allows them to stay in contact with people they need along the way. Dr. Hudson showed a picture of one of the sons on the phone with the person that was smuggling the family to ensure the meeting time and place was correct. Information assemblages are very important for refugees to be in a state of awareness so nothing goes terribly wrong. She even mentioned how Facebook groups were important sources of information that allowed people to share things like locations of police checkpoints. It was interesting to hear about the importance of technology because I had never even thought about how refugees utilized this tool.

In the Q&A session, someone asked how Dr. Hudson dealt with the privileged position that she had when interacting with the refugees. She responded by saying she needed to control her impulse of wanting to “save” them by just buying a boat for them to get to Germany on her own. The family had to educate her by rejecting her offer and explaining that if she did that every other refugee family would want to get on the boat as well and soon she would be forced into the smuggling business just by sheer demand. So, instead of offering to help with big things, she participated in small acts of reciprocity. They provided her with food and information so she gave back with small actions like offering to mail heavy documents to them so they wouldn’t have to carry them the whole trip.

This lecture was interesting to listen to because it not only shared the story and obstacles of the refugee family, but it also provided Dr. Hudson’s perspective of a privileged outsider and the things she learned. As an International Affairs Scholar I think hearing both perspectives is important because as a privileged outsider myself, I do not have a true understanding of what these women and their families went through. There is a huge refugee crisis going on right now and when I hear about it on the news it feels as if the human aspect of it is diminished. When I heard about it through this lecture and learned about the obstacles of a specific family of refugees it made the issue seem less distant. I enjoyed this lecture because I’m used to hearing only the political side of the refugee crisis and Dr. Hudson’s story allowed me to hear about some of the barriers refugees actually face on a smaller scale.

Academic: Climate Change and Environmental Issues

Event: Climate Change and Environmental Issues Day 2

Time: 6:30-8:00 PM

Location: Hagerty Hall

This month I attended the two day event on climate change and environmental issues. Unfortunately I was only able to attend the event on the second day, but I feel I gained some valuable information regarding sustainability on a local level. I decided to go to this event because I am considering a career in environmental and social justice and I thought it would be an event that could educate me in this field as well as give me insight on potential jobs I could pursue.

In this event there were three main representatives from various organizations that are involved in the sustainability efforts in Ohio. One was from the Ohio State Sustainability Institute, another from one of Ohio State’s energy partners, and the other from the Ohio Sierra Club. I had never heard of any of these organizations so it was interesting to hear what role they play in climate change and sustainability efforts. Each person spoke about what their organization stood for, what actions they have taken to reduce the effects of climate change, and how their work takes them to Ohio State’s campus. Both the representatives from the Ohio State Sustainability Institute and Ohio State’s energy partner went into detail about how Ohio State is putting in effort to become more sustainable through aspects of campus such as new energy efficient buildings and transportation. I liked that they talked about this because it’s nice to know that my school is making efforts in sustainability. I take the Ohio State bus service everyday so it’s nice to know that they are not as harmful to the environment as transportation run only on gas.

The woman from the Sierra Club of Ohio spoke about a lot of things I’m interested and it made me want to get more involved in climate organizations around Central Ohio. She talked about how cities are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions and the Sierra Club’s goal to get the city of Columbus to commit to 100% renewable energy by 2050. To spread the word about their goals and the need for sustainable energy they have events around the community like neighborhood art shows, marches, and they have even hosted statewide training events for other cities to become more sustainable. At the end of her presentation she showed how we as students can take action by providing other climate organizations that we could join and offering volunteer opportunities within the Sierra Club. I hope to join one of these organizations to learn more about sustainability within my community in Columbus and further my education in environmental and social justice. I think it would have been beneficial to attend both days of this event to get the international perspective as well, but hearing what is going on locally did make the impacts of climate change hit closer to home. I am glad I attended this event because it introduced me to different opportunities around campus to become more involved in sustainability, as well as educate me on the actions Ohio State has taken to become more energy efficient.

Service Event: Martin Luther King Day of Service

Event: MLK Day of Service

Date: January 21, 2019 from 7:30AM- 1:00PM

Location: Ohio Union/Broad Street Presbyterian Church

This month I attended the Martin Luther King Day of Service with some friends. When we got there we were given shirts and food to get us fueled for our day. Once the commencement ceremony began, the main speaker talked about Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy and how each of our actions done that day within our community would help keep his legacy alive. He also talked about how this event was for Aretha Franklin as she was also an avid civil rights activist throughout her life. The service done on this day was meant to commemorate the message of love and care that both of these individuals spread. The ceremony was also filled with performances including rapping, choir singing, and dancing to hype us all up for the day. It was very uplifting and I felt even more ready to go out and work.

Once the introduction was over, we split off into our groups and were off on our way to our separate locations. My group ended up going to the Broad Street Presbyterian Church to help clean up and organize the church and do any other tasks that they needed us to do. When we got there they had various rooms that they wanted us to completely reorganize to make things easier to find in the future. I washed and organized the dish cabinets and helped sanitize the kitchen area. Unfortunately we were not able to finish cleaning everything in the short time we stayed in the church, but we did make good progress.

After finishing up at the church, our group sat together and discussed the experience we just had volunteering. Although this experience did not completely change my life, it did make me feel good knowing I did something helpful for someone else and that would enhance the experience that kids would have at the church. This experience helped me realize that even the smallest actions can make some positive impact on another in need. I never really thought about how volunteering connected to Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, but after hearing about it I’m now aware that just helping others in need is all about what MLK preached. I feel more inspired to continue this legacy and continue serving my community after this event.

Our group leader also talked about BUCK-I-SERV and encouraged us to apply if we want to continue our service endeavors. I actually applied for a BUCK-I-SERV trip after hearing so much about how fulfilling these trips are. I decided to apply for a BUCK-I-SERV in St. Petersburg, Florida to learn about the marine ecosystems in the region, help clean up the coastal areas, and remove any exotic plants. I felt that this trip suited my interests the most out because I have always been passionate about environmental conservation and I would love to learn more about the marine life in Florida. I am not sure if I am even going, but if I do get accepted, I hope to enhance the coastal community in some way to help the marine life that inhabit it as well as the people that live around it. Service has been a part of my life since high school and with this event I have become more inspired to continue serving my community in college and keep Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy in my life.


Non-IA Event: “Reassessing Ike: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Korean War”

Event: Non-IA, “Reassessing Ike: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Korean War”

Date: December 3, 2018 at 12:30 PM-2:00 PM

Location: Mershon Center

       For this month’s non-IA event, I went to a lecture about Eisenhower’s actions leading up to and during the Korean War and how this affected not only his eventual presidency, but the entirety of the Cold War era. The lecturer, Zachary Matusheski, is the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting Agency Post-Doctoral Historian in Residence in the Department of History here at Ohio State. His work has contributed to the recovery of many missing American soldiers that disappeared during the Korean War, specifically The Battle of Pork Chop Hill. The lecture consisted of six main facts that allowed him to come a couple of conclusions: that Eisenhower’s life fits into a grander scheme of U.S. intervention in East Asia, throughout the war there was growing tension in military affairs (specifically between Eisenhower and MacArthur) impacted Eisenhower’s future, and that Eisenhower’s willingness to discuss nuclear weapons as an active option underscore how dangerous the last moments of the Korean War were. Eisenhower’s main beliefs that nuclear weapons should have been used during the Korean War and that Asia was vital to U.S. national security explained the basis of the growing arms race in the ‘50s and the subsequent Cuban Missile Crisis. The point of his presentation was to emphasize how important the Korean War was as a Cold War crisis which could have turned out very differently had nuclear weapons gotten involved.

       Before attending this lecture, I knew very little about the Korean War and only could remember bits and pieces from what I had learned from my U.S. history classes from high school. I feel like in school it is not something that my teachers placed much importance on so it was only glossed over when it was taught to me. Listening to this lecture made me reconsider the actual implications that the Korean War had on major future events like the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, and just the Cold War in general. I thought it was interesting to hear about how this war played such an important part in greater world events. This relates to international affairs because the war itself and the events that emerged from the war are still relevant in international relations today. At the time it constrained the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, which laid the foundation for the Cold War and the present day suspicions each country has for each other. Also, the Korean War was settled with an armistice, so it is still technically happening, and tensions between North Korea and the Western world (mainly the U.S.) continue to grow. In recent years, this has become especially apparent as North Korea experimented with nuclear missiles. Nuclear weapons have continued to be a cause of many unfriendly relations in the world and the Korean War could be argued to explain this. Overall, I thought this lecture was an educational experience that has helped me learn more about the Korean War and the global consequences that came with it.

Service Event: Big Buckeye Lil’ Buckeye

Service Event:

Big Buckeye Lil’ Buckeye

October 22, 2018 from 4PM to 6PM

       This month I joined a volunteer program here at OSU called Big Buckeye Lil’ Buckeye. BBLB is student group that volunteers with the after school program, Healthy Asian Youth (HAY). This community program facilitates a space for academic and personal growth for anyone of any race, but more commonly the Asian youth. People of Asian descent are typically stereotyped to be wealthy and able to achieve constant success both in society and academia. Because of this stereotype, the Asian Americans that do not have the tools to thrive like this are often overlooked. This is why HAY and BBLB strive to provide educational, cultural, and emotional support for the Asian youth through the after school volunteering program. The volunteers and mentors of BBLB serve as role models that provide a supportive and empowering network for the kids to rely on. In addition to this, BBLB serves to educate the Asian youth in their cultures. Through monthly visits on campus, BBLB and HAY work together to create interactive programs that not only educate the kids on different Asian cultures, but also familiarize them with higher education opportunities at OSU. The at-risk Asian youth are largely ignored by society because many stereotype Asians as people who do not need help, when in reality that is not the case at all. It is important to make these kids feel valued and provide them with all the tools they need to be the best they can be.

      My first volunteering experience was on Monday, October 22 and I went to the Asian American Community Services building in Upper Arlington with a couple of other volunteers. The other girls that I was with had already been regularly volunteering on Mondays, so the kids already knew and loved them. It was heartwarming to see how happy the kids were to see BBLB volunteers and it was obvious that the girls had already made an impact on their lives. I had no idea what to expect, but I was excited to meet with the kids and learn more about them. All of the kids were fairly young and all had unique personalities. Even though I only spent two hours with them, I still feel like I learned a lot about each one just by the way they interacted with me and the other kids. Since I was a complete stranger to them, they kind of ignored me but I did make conversation with all of them and helped them with whatever homework they struggled with.

       About an hour in, some special guests from COSI arrived and demonstrated DIY science experiments with the kids showing concepts like potential energy, kinetic energy, friction, and states of matter. I wasn’t aware that this would happen, but apparently COSI comes in every Monday to show new experiments that teach the kids a variety of science concepts! I thought this was super interesting because it brings in a certain interactive and visual element of teaching that we as volunteers can’t really provide. Once COSI’s demonstration ended, we had to go back to campus and that is what concluded my first volunteering session. I truly enjoyed volunteering with the kids and I hope I can stop by at least on Mondays so I can build a stronger relationship with them.

       I joined BBLB because I wanted to get more involved in Ohio State student organizations and I wanted to find something that I could connect to my Asian culture and heritage. As a kid, I never really had a role model to help me understand my Asian background and teach me how to maintain my Asian identity while living in America. Although my mom tried to keep Japanese culture present in our house, it became increasingly difficult to find a balance between this and Western culture. I believe having a role model would have created a connection between myself and my Asian culture and that is what I want to build for these kids as a volunteer in this program. I hope to not only help them with their academic struggles, but I want to encourage the kids to embrace their cultural heritage and empower them in feeling confident in who they are. In addition to this, I hope that this program helps empower me in my Asian heritage. I would like to feel even more connected to my culture as well as Asian cultures other than my own. I think this first experience went very well and I am looking forward to volunteering more and possibly becoming a mentor in the future!