IV STEP 2016
July 14 – July 19, 2016
The Pediatric and Neurology Sections hosted the IV STEP Conference, a summer institute for clinicians, educators, and researchers designed to explore new theory and research evidence related to movement science, and to translate this theory and evidence into physical therapy practice for individuals of all ages with neurologic disorders. IV STEP was designed to foster, guide, and affect neurologic physical therapy practice over the next decade.
IV STEP focused on four “Ps”: Prevention, Prediction, Plasticity, and Participation as they relate to the roles and responsibilities of today’s physical therapists. Personal interactions and dialogues were an integral part of the conference. Active engagement learning experiences allowed participants to explore, understand, and apply these principles to their daily practice. IV STEP attendees are expected to serve as change agents for the profession.
The conference consisted of a combination of events. There were plenary sessions where all participants came together to discover the state of the art from leaders in the field. In addition to plenary speakers, the planning committee collaborated with pediatric and neurologic residency programs to develop patient cases which provided the foundation for multiple conference discussions. Through workshops and breakout sessions, these cases allowed the participants to apply their new knowledge in concrete ways to define best practice going forward.
You can see the program here: https://u.osu.edu/ivstep/program/
A list of the speakers is here: https://u.osu.edu/ivstep/speakers/
The was a poster session featuring research from attendees on Sunday Evening from 5 – 7 PM.
We thank our sponsors for their support. Mailing lists of the attendees can be purchased. The price is $500.
Zoo Event
As part of IV STEP, the group enjoyed a fun evening event at the Columbus Zoo. The Columbus Zoo, also known as Jack Hanna’s zoo, is one of the top 10 zoos in the nation.
Closing Reception
The Monkey Rider Band entertained us with blues and rock. John Buford on Drums and Vocals, Kamila Zrebiec on Vocals, Tony Young on Guitar and Vocals, Mark Willard on Guitar and Vocals, and Ian McCormack on bass.
The band even wrote a song for the occasion, “IV Step’s Over Now”.
Here are the lyrics, and an mp3 of the recording for your entertainment
IV STEPS OVER NOW (a parody set to the music of six days on the road)
Well we came out of new step doing the diagonals.
And we went into two step gaining knowledge of results.
Then three step came around when plasticity was found.
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road
Winstein and Harris told us how it all began
But the Muppets in the balcony weren’t exactly real big fans
Now we’ve learned about Peds and Neuro
And we really wanna help them folks
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road
You know those video cases came from the residencies
And they gave us a way to learn about neuro and peds
And the giraffes we got to feed, and the African sights we could see
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road
You know the APTA has plans to put it all online
And my CEU’s are low so that would be just fine
Prevention and Participation
Plasticity and Prediction
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road
Well Five Step’s next and I can’t wait to see where we’ll be
All the progress that we’ll make with the brain’s electricity
And when the RFP comes around I hope another site can be found
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road
Four Step’s over now and we’re gonna take it on the road