The Ohio State University

Vita, Ji Hee Kim

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information

Date of Birth: September. 25. 1964

Nationality: The Republic of Korea

Position: – Instructor, Dept. of Consumer Studies and
Human Development,

College of Human Ecology, Ewha
Womans University

Seoul, Korea

– Chief Researcher: 1. Korean Family Life Improvement
Institute, Seoul, Korea

2. Institute of Human Ecology and Environment, Seoul,



# 404 –1, 11-1 Daehyun-Dong, Soedaemoon-Ku,

Dept. of Consumer Studies & Human Development

College of Home Science and Management

Womans University.

Seoul, 120-750, Korea

Tel: +82 2 3277 3099 (or 3097)

Fax: +82 2 3277 2852


#1328-201, Mokdong Shinsigage Apt. Shinjung 6 Dong,

Yangcheon-Ku, Seoul, 158-076, Korea

Tel: +82 2 6737 2605

( – alternative)


· Post Doctor. 2000.2
– 2001.3, Department of Consumer & Textile Sciences, The Ohio State
University, U.S.A.

· Ph.D. 1999., Department
of Consumer Studies & Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Seoul,

Dissertation: Family Business in the Korea, U.S.A., and
Germany -Theory and Practice –

· M. S. 1989., Department
of Consumer Studies & Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Seoul,

Master Thesis: A Study on the Mother’s Level of Consumer
Socialization Influencing the Children’s Level

of Consumer Skill

· B. S. 1987, Department
of Consumer Studies & Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Seoul,

Selected Honors, Awards and Scholarships

· Research Awards from
The Asia Foundation (U.S. $ 5,000), U.S.A., 1999.

· Stipendium des Bayerischen
Sonderprogram fuer Suedostasien (German National Government Fellowship,
DM. 12,000),  Germany, 1997.

· Top Research Award
from the Ewha Womans University Graduate School (US $ 6,000), Korea, 1997.

· Academic Excellent
Student Scholarship for Studying Abroad from the Ewha Womans University
(US $ 10,000), Korea, 1995.

· Academic Fellowship
for Undergraduate School from the Ewha Womans University, Korea, 1983-1987.

Research Experiences

· 2000.2 – 2001.3:
Visiting Scholar, Department of Consumer Sciences, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, U.S.A.

· 1999.2 – Present:
Chief Researcher, Korean Family Life Improvement Institute, Seoul, Korea.

· 1999.2 – Present:
Chief Researcher, Institute of Human Ecology and Environment, Seoul, Korea.

· 1999.1 – 1999.12:
Co-Worker, International Project about the Family Life Situation of North
Korea Female Refugee’s

In China, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.,
and Seoul, Korea.

· 1997.8 – 1998.8:
Visiting Scholar, Department of Oekotropologie (Department of Consumer
Economics and Family Resource

Management), Munich University, Germany.

· 1997.8 – 1998.8:
Researcher, Institut fuer Sozialoekonomik des Haushalts (Institute of Social
– Economic of Household),

Munich University, Munich, Germany.

· 1995.1 – 1996.1:
Visiting Scholar, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell
University, Ithaca, U.S.A.

· 1992.9 – 1999.2:
Research Assistant for Sook Jae Moon, Ph.D., Department of Consumer Studies
& Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

– Consumer Decision Making / Consumer Behavior (1998.9-1999.2)

– Consumer Economics (1997.3-1997.7)

– Family Resource Management / Family Financial Management
(1996.3 – 1997.2)

– Consumer and Market / Institutional Household Management
(1994.3 – 1994. 12)

– Consumer Behavior / Family Economics (1993.3 – 1994.2)

– Household Production (1992.9 – 1993.2)

Teaching Experiences

· 1993 – Present: Instructor,
Department of Consumer Studies and Human Development, Ewha Womans University,
Seoul, Korea.

· 1996 – Present: Instructor,
Department of Women’s General Education, Han Yang Women’s Junior College,
Seoul, Korea.

· 1996 – Present: Instructor,
Department of Home Management, Sung Shin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea.

· 1994.3 – 1994.8:
Instructor, Department of Nutrition / Department of Home Management, Chung
Ang University, Seoul,


· 1996.8 – 1997.8:
Teaching Assistant for Dr. Sook Jae Moon, Department of Consumer Studies
and Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

· 1994.3 – 1994.8:
Teaching Assistant for Course Consumer and Market / Consumer Behavior /
Family Resource Management,

Department of Consumer Studies and Human Development,
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

· 1993.8 – 1994.2:
Teaching Assistant for Course Household Production, Department of Consumer
Studies and Human Development, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

· 1987.2: Teaching
License in Home Economics Education for Middle/High School Teacher. Ministry
of Korean Education Board,

Seoul, Korea.

· 1986.5 – 1986.7:
Teaching Experience in Jung Won Girl’s Middle School, Seoul, Korea.

Work Experiences

· 1999.2 – Present:
Chief Researcher, Institute of Human Ecology and Environment, Seoul, Korea.

· 1999.2 – Present:
Chief Researcher, Korean Family Life Improvement Institute, Seoul, Korea.

· 1997.8 – 1998.8:
Researcher, Institut fuer Sozialoekonomik des Haushalts, Technische Universitaet
Muenchen, Munich,


· 1996.10 – 1997.7:
Director, The Korean Home Economics Association, Seoul, Korea.

Research Areas

Family Business Management / Home-Based Business

International Perspective of Family Business Management

Balancing Work and Family

Conflict Management in the Family Business

Consumer Behavior / Consumer Decision Making

Consumer Socialization

Economic Value of Household Production

Family Financial Management

Teaching Courses

Family Business Management / Home-Based Business

Consumer Decision Making

Consumer and Market

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Economics

Issues of Family Economics

Family Resource Management

Family Well-Being

Household Production

Institutional Household

Professional Publications / Conference Papers

Moon, S.J., Kim, J.H & Lee, M.K. (2000). A Study
on the Motive of Escape from the North Korea and the Life Situation of
Female Fugitives in China – Based on the Interview with North Korean Female
Refugees in Yenben Province -, Journal of Korean Home Economics Association,

Moon, S.J. & Kim, J.H. (2000). Motivation of Defect
from North Korea and Family Life Situation on North Korea Female Refugees’
in Yenben Province of China, The Journal of Asian Regional Association
for Home Economics
7(1), 1-8.

Kim, J.H. (1999). Family Business Management of Korea
in 21st Century, Proceeding of Symposium in Commemoration of the 70th
of College of Human Science and Management
, Ewha Womans University,

Kim, J.H., Moon, S.J., & Weggemann, S. (1999). Family
Business in Korea, U.S.A., and Germany, Proceeding of The 10th Conference
of Asian Regional Association for Home Economics “What is quality of life?
-Innovations, Traditions.-
“, 104-105.

Kim, J.H.(1999). Family Business Management in Korea,
U.S.A., and Germany – focus on Research Subjects and Perspectives in the
Future – , Proceeding of 1999 Annual Conference of Korean Home Economics

Kim, J.H.(1999). Bivalent Attributes and Dual Functions
of Family Business, Journal of Korean Home Management Association,
17(1), 87-101.

Moon, S.J., Kim, J.H., & Heck, K.Z.R.(1998). A Study
on Home-Based Work: The Characteristics and Practices of Home-Based Work
in the United States and The Conceptual Model for Studying on At-Home Income
Generation, Journal of Korean Home Economics Association, 36(3),

Kim, J. H.& Moon, S. J.(1997). Theoretical Approach
to the Family Business Management, Journal of Korean Home Economics
35(6), 317-334.

Kim, J.H.(1997). Interaction in Work and Family Spheres
of Family Business in the United States – Apply to Korea Situation: Focused
on Home-Based Business, Proceeding of the 9th Conference of Asian Regional
Association for Home Economics “New Paradigm of Home Economics for the
21st Century-Challenges and Perspectives-“,

Kim, J.H. & Moon, S. J.(1997). Theoretical Approach
to the Home-Based Business for Using the Family Resources, The Journal
of Korean Family Resource Management
, 1(1), 43-55.

Kim, J.H. & Moon, S.J.(1989). A Study on the Mother’s
Level of Consumer Socialization Influencing the Children’s Level of Consumer
Skill, Journal of Korean Home Economics Association, 27(4), 100-109.

Professional Association / Membership

Member of

The Korean Home Economics Association

The Korean Home Management Association

The Korean Consumer Economics Association

The Korean Family Resource Management Association

The Korean Women’s Studies Association

ACCI(American Council on Consumer Interests),

FFI(The Family Firm Institute)

IFBPA(International Family Business Program Association)

ACFEA(Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association)