The Ohio State University

Mrs. Isabelle Chen Wea

Mrs. Isabelle Chen Wea

Yearof Birth: 1947

Place of Birth : Taiwan

Marriage Status : Married

Current Position : Lecturer of Department of Textiles and Clothing, Fu-Jen

Catholic University (1983/9-1999/7)

Education : MA, Department of Social Science (1980/9-1982/6) L’ECOLE DES

Experience : Fashion Designer of Department of Research and Development,

CHLOE Clothing Company, France (1976/9-1982/9) Part-Time

Lecturer, Department of Textiles and Clothing, Fu-Jen Catholic

University (1983/2-1983/6)

Expertise Clothing Design, Product Planning and Display, Fashion Analysis,
Fashion Combination

Telephone : (0)011-886-2-2903111 Ext.3660


1998/9-1999/6 Planning and Managing the Practice Store of Department of
Textiles and Clothing, Fu-Jen Catholic University

1997/9-1998/12 Counselor for R&D Dept of Kid’s Clothing, Les Enphants

1993/2-1997/6 Counselor for Arnold Palmer Men, Women and Kids’ Clothing in
R&D Dept of Taipei Renown Co.

1992/9 Counselor for R&D Dept of Kid’s Clothing, Les Enphants

1990/4 Image Counselor and Judge of R.O.C. Ms. Joy Final Beauty

1990/2 Image Counselor and Judge of First R.O.C. Model Contest

1989-1990 European Correspondent of “Unn” Magazine for the Coverage of
European Fashion Information and Interviews with the Brand

1989/9-1989/4 Image Counselor and Judge of R.O.C. Ms. Joy Beauty Contest

1987/3-1988/9 Designing Counselor of R&D Dept, Taiwan Stitching Co.

1986/3 Analyser of Fashion and Lecture of Symposium for Phoebes
Journal, Taiwan

1985-1990 Designer of Leather Development Dept, Chifa Leather Co.


1985-1990 Assistant Manager of Designing Development Dept, En Mai Intl
Co. Taiwan

1982-1985 Designer

1976-1983 Part-Time Working for the R&D Dept of SUB LI STATIC Intl
Fabric Co., France

1976-1982 Designing for CHLOE Clothing Company (Paris Models), France

Masterpiece Presentation:

1997/9 Joint Exhibition of “Traditional Innovation” Clothing Designers
sponsored by Tainan International Festival

1992/2 “Traditional Innovation” Clothing Presentation of Mou Tribe
presented by Department of Textiles and Clothing, Fu-Jen
Catholic University

1990/6 Planner of Clothing Design of World Models Contest

1990/4 Planner of Clothing Design of R.O.C. Ms. Joy Final Beauty

1990/3-1995/9 Masterpieces Presentation of Isabelle Chen’s Personal Workshop

1989/12 Planner of Clothing Design of First R.O.C. Models Contest

1989/2 Planner of Clothing Design of R.O.C. Ms. Joy Final Beauty

1989/4 Participation of Designers’ Masterpieces Presentation in the
International Textile Week Sponsored by Textile Development

1988/9 Participation of Domestic “Designers Association”

1989 Spring and Summer Clothing Presentation

1985/1 “Art in Life, Life in Art” Designers’ Masterpieces an Exhibition
Sponsored by Taipei Art Museum

Fashion Show Planning & Director

1982/5-1997/6 Planning and Director of Graduation Mobil Fair Presented by
Department of Textiles and Clothing, Fu-Jen Catholic University

1999/3 Planning of Taiwan Clothing Masterpieces Presentation
Sponsored by Daniel SWAROVSKI Crystal Clothing Co.

1999/1 Planning and Director of 1999 Auturnn and Winter Fashion
Clothing Mobil Fair, the Art Season Activity Sponsored by
Taipei Municipal Culture Center

1998/9 Planning of Clothing Presentation Sponsored by Daniel
SWAROVSKI Crystal Clothing Co.

1997/10 Planning and Director of ‘1Art of Clothing” Fair Sponsord by
Council of Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

1997/9 Planning and Director of Chinese Traditional Clothing
Presentation, Sponsored by Tainan International Festival

1997/3 Planning of Clothing Presentation Sponsored by Daniel

1996/3 Planning and Director of 1996 Spring and Summer Fashion
Clothing Exhibition, Shin-Juan Art Season Activity

1995/11 1996 Spring and Summer Fashion Clothing Presentation
Sponsored by Taipei Lina Co.

1993/9 Planning and Director of Clothing Presentation of Foreign
Diplomats Charity Sponsored by Department of Foreign Affairs

1992/2 Planning and Director of Mou Tribe’s Clothing Presented by
Department of Textiles and Clothing, Fu-Jen Catholic University

1990/9 Planning and Director of Kid’s Autumn and Winter Clothing
Presentation Sponsored by Les Enphants CO.LTD

1988/11 Planning and Director of European Style and Imported Brand
Clothing Presentation Sponsored by Far Eastern Department

1998/11 Planning and Director of Mr. Pierre Cardin Women’s Autumn
and Winter Clothing Presentation

1985/3 Planning and Director of U.S. Spalding Sports Wear Presented in
The Grand Hotel

1982/9 Planning and Director of Autumn and Winter Clothing
Presentation sponsored by Taipei Howard Hotel

Uniform Designing:

1985 Planning and Director of U.S. Spalding Sports Wear Presented

in The Grand Hotel

1999/5 Designing & Planning Sports Wear of 70th Anniversary ofFu-Jen
Catholic University

1999/24 Designing & Planning Sports Wear for 1999 Fun Sports of
Central Government Agencies of R.O.C.

1999/24 Designing & Planning Sports Wear for Central Personnel
Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

1999/2 Designing & Planning Uniform for King-Ling Girls’ High School

1998/12-1999/5 Designing New Uniform for R.O.C. Police

1998/11-12 Designing Uniform Proposal for Mt. Fa-Ku Culurtual &

Educational Foundation

1998/9-11 Designing & Producing Jacket for “Three in One” (Mayor,
Councilor, legislator) Election Campaign

1998/6-9 Designing Uniform for Pai Lung Machinery Mill Co

1998/6-9 Designing Uniform for Canonization of the Martyrs of China

1998/4-5 Designing and Producing Gifts for National Cultural Heritage
Preservation Research Center

1998/3-8 Designing and Producing Uniform for Receptionist of the Grand

1997/6 Designing Uniform for Mt. Fa-Ku Cultural & Educational

1979 Designing Sports Wear for Chung-Hwa Commercial Oceanic


1997/3 Designing Uniform for Hwa-Hsin High School

1996/4 Designing Clothing for the Actors of “LE PETIT PRINCE”

1996/3 Designing Clothing for the Actors of “LE JEU DEL’ AMOUR

1996/2 Designing Clothing for Religious Service of Mt. Buddha

1996/2 Designing Summer Uniform for Receptionists of Misasa Co.

1996/1 Designing Uniform for 1 Floor Receptionists of Far Eastern
International Hotel

1995/7-9 Planning and Designing for R.O.C. Aviation Police Uniform

1993/8-1994/11 Planning and Designing for R.O.C. Traffic Police Uniform

1987/5-1988/7 Planning and Designing for R.O.C. Police Uniform

1985/9 Designing Uniform for the Japan Sales Group Sent by Council of
Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.

1984/9 Designing and Producing Uniform for Taipei Children Music

1983/3 Designing Uniform for Kenting National Park