The Ohio State University

Financial Counseling and Planning Journal

Financial Counseling and Planning Journal

Financial Counseling and Planning is the refereed research journal
of the Association for Financial Counseling
and Planning Education
. The purpose of Financial Counseling and Planning
is to disseminate scholarly research related to financial counseling and
planning education. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are blind peer reviewed
by members of the Editorial Board and
by reviewers
selected by the editors. ……………….. Acceptance rates

 EDITOR: Professor Sandra Helmick

206 Bates Hall

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR 97331



 For subscriptions, contact the AFCPE Executive Director:

Sharon Burns, AFCPE Executive Director

2121 Arlington Ave., #5

Upper Arlington, OH 43221

phone: 614-485-9650

fax: 614-485-9621

membership forms to print out and mail


 (Personal memberships and subscriptions for libraries of non-profit
institutions: $80/year, Fulltime student memberships: $30/year.
Postal surcharge for address outside of U.S. zip code system: $15

Requests for permissions to make copies should be directed to the Executive

Articles may be included in packets produced for courses at one university
for a cost of $1.00 per article per copy made.

To order back issues of the journal from 1990-94, one copy may be ordered
for $35. Any combination of multiple copies, e.g., 2 copies of one issue
or 2 different issues, may be ordered at a discount:

    2 copies for $50
    3 copies for $65, and
    more than 3 copies for $65 plus $10 for each copy beyond 3.

Back issues for 1995 and 1996 may be ordered for $60 per copy.
Payments should made out to AFCPE and sent to the Executive Director. 

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