The Ohio State University

About the authors in Vol. 8 (2) of Financial Counseling and Planning

About the Authors


Sung C. Bae, What
Consumers Look For In Financial Planners
, is an Associate Professor
and Chair in the Department of Finance at Bowling Green State University.
He received a Ph.D. from the University of Florida in 1987, a M.B.A. from
Michigan State University in 1983, and a B.S.B.A. from Korea University
in 1980. He was a winner of the 1993
Competitive Paper Award in Corporate
at the Annual Financial Management Association meetings and
the 1991
Robert A. Patton Scholastic Achievement Award.

, Subjective And Objective
Risk Tolerance: Implications For Optimal Portfolios
, is a Research
Consultant with Ibbotson Associates in Chicago. He completed his Ph.D.
in Family Resource Management at The Ohio State University in 1997. He
won an Article of Excellence award from the Certified Financial Planner
Board of Standards
in 1996.

J. Einerson
, Preretirees’ Perception Of Retirement Income,
is an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at the University
of Idaho. She teaches Interpersonal Communication, Gender and Communication,
and Qualitative Research Methods. She received her Ph.D. in 1993 from University
of Kentucky.

Lori L. Embrey, Gender Differences In
The Investment Decision-making Process
, is a Financial Advisor with
NEA Valuebuilder Investor Services. She is also a Graduate Teaching Associate
in the Department of Consumer Sciences at The Ohio State University.
She is a Masters degree candidate in the Family Financial Management program
and has a BS in Consumer Affairs from Ohio State University.

J. Fox
, Gender Differences In The Investment Decision-making
, is an Assistant Professor in the Consumer and Textile Science
Department at The Ohio State University. He teaches Family Financial Management
and Quantitative Research Methods. He received a Ph.D. from The University
of Maryland in 1994. He won the American Council on Consumer Interest
Dissertation Award
in 1995.

Kirk Fox
, Preretirees’ Perception Of Retirement Income,
is Professor and Extension specialist in family economics in the School
of Family and Consumer Sciences at University of Idaho. She coordinates
statewide Extension programs in financial literacy, welfare reform, retirement
and estate planning. She serves on the board of the Association of Financial
Counseling and Planning Education. She received a Ph.D. from Oregon State
University in 1995. Her team won the national Dean Don Felker Financial
Management Education Award
from the National Association of Family
and Consumer Sciences in 1995.

Thomas Garman
, Personal Finance Education For Employees: Evidence
On The Bottom-line Benefits
, is Professor in Consumer Affairs and Family
Financial Management, Virginia Tech, where he teaches both consumer economics
and personal finance courses. Under Garman’s direction, Virginia Tech hosted
the first national conference on financial counseling in 1977. In 1995,
he was elected a Distinguished Fellow by the American Council on
Consumer Interests. Garman is the senior author of Personal Finance,
a best selling college textbook.

Subjective And
Objective Risk Tolerance: Implications For Optimal Portfolios
and Does Risk Tolerance Decrease
With Age?
, is a professor in the Consumer Sciences
Department at The Ohio State University. He received a Ph.D. in Consumer
Economics from Cornell University and a B.S. in Economics from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. The Association for Financial Counseling and Planning
Education named him a Distinguished Fellow in 1997.

W. Junk
, Preretirees’ Perception Of Retirement Income, is
an Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences and Co-Chair of
the Aging Minor at the University of Idaho. She teaches Personal Finance,
Consumer Economic Issues and Resource Management Across the Lifespan. She
has authored text supplements for a personal finance text and a consumer
economic issues text. Her research interests include retirement migration
and community selection, retirement financial planning, and “sandwich”
generation issues. She serves on the Board of Directors of the International
Society of Retirement Planning.

Emily Kao, Value Of Home Equity Used In
Reverse Mortgages
, is a business and econometric analyst/MIS manager
at Lucent Technologies Inc. She received her Ph.D. degree in consumer economics
from Purdue University. Her research interests include econometric modeling,
business forecasting, strategic and financial planning.

James P.
, What Consumers
Look For In Financial Planners
, is a Certified Financial Planner
(CFP) and received a M.B.A. from Bowling Green State University and a B.S.
from the University of Minnesota. He is a Partner in Iowa-based Syverson,
Strege, Sandager & Company and specializes in investment counsel and
retirement planning for executives, professionals, and business owners.
He currently serves as an officer in the Central Iowa chapter of the IAFP
and is a member of the ICFP.

Linda Kay Taff, Preretirees’ Perception
Of Retirement Income
, obtained her Master’s degree in 1997 from the
University of Idaho School of Family and Consumer Sciences. Her research
focused on gender and financial planning. Her career interests include
working with limited resource women and single women in particular as they
prepare financially for retirement.

, Does Risk Tolerance
Decrease With Age?
, is a statistical analyst with Milliken and
Company in South Carolina. She completed her Ph.D. in Family Resource Management
at the Ohio State University in 1997. She won the $500 prize for the Best
Graduate Student Paper at the Family Economics/Resource Management Preconference
in 1995.

L. Williams
, Ph. D., AFC, RFC, Value Of Home Equity Used In
Reverse Mortgages
, and Income And Expenditures In Two Phases Of
, is Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Economics
at Purdue University. She received her B.S. degree from Manchester College
and M.S. and Ph. D. from Purdue University. She teaches family economics,
resource management for individuals and families, financial counseling,
and financial advising. She directs a university financial clinic serving
clients of all socioeconomic levels. She has been adjunct professor at
Vicsoa University, Brazil and has taught in the marketing graduate program
at Shanghai Jia Tong University. Williams’ research interests include economic
well-being, quality of life, public policy and poverty programs, housing
expenditures, and financial concerns as impacting productivity. She is
a past president of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning
and chair for papers of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies
for family and consumer economics, resource management, and family studies.

J. Xiao
, Saving Motives And 401(k) Contributions, is an
Associate Professor at the University of Rhode Island. He received a Ph.D.
in Consumer Economics at Oregon State University and M.S. and B.S. degrees
in economics at Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics. He was a
Visiting Scholar at the Ohio State University in Fall, 1997. He has had
research grants from the U.S. Department of Labor and the Certified Financial
Planner Standard Board. He was the editor of the 1997 AFCPE conference
proceedings and the program chair for the 1998 AFCPE conference. He is
the co-editor of the book, The Mathematics of Personal Finance.

Helen Zhou, Income And Expenditures In Two Phases Of Retirement,
is a consultant at the Center of Excellence in Financial Counseling Services
at Deloitte & Touche LLP. She received a B.S. degree in Financial Planning
and an M.S. degree in Consumer Economics from Purdue University. She passed
the Uniform examination for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in May 1997.

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