Research on Global Water Contexts – Join the Forum on February 8th

We are seeking to build a research community which will draw upon multiple perspectives on water resource management issues and the role of culture.   So far we have faculty from School of Environment and Natural Resources, Anthropology, the Library, and others, registered for the forum on February 8th.  A paradigm shift is needed if we are to solve the most pernicious water issues of our time, as well as prevent the impending disasters resulting from climate change, desertification and pollution. Ensuring justice for all communities affected by water issues is also a key to solving these issues, as industry often turns a blind eye where profit is concerned.  The new paradigm we are proposing is human-centered, and taps into local funds of knowledge for practical and technological solutions. Solutions could draw from local traditions for water conservation in addition to the latest break-through technologies. Please contact us if you would like any further information.
Image of Topkapi tile

Topkapi Tile

The forum will familiarize you with current research interests at OSU and will entail a facilitated discussion session in order to spark projects and identify avenues for support and funding. We will also provide lunch to those who register. We are currently seeking an exciting keynote, as well, and could use your input. We will pose the following question to spark thinking at the forum:
  • What if the Middle East had the capacity to solve the global water crisis?
Please complete this survey to let us know what you are hoping to get out of the forum.  We would also like your input on our goals and and insight you might have from your students as to potential interest in courses and their desire for real-world relevance in their studies.
We would like to thank our partners: the Discovery Themes, the Global Water Institute, the Office of Research, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies, International Programs in Agriculture, and the Middle East Studies Library.

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