CORN Newsletter

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New Ohio Recommended Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates Now Available Steve Culman, Anthony Fulford, Peter Thomison, Rich Minyo, Eric Richer, CCA, Harold D. Watters, CPAg/CCA, Greg LaBarge, CCA, Joe Nester, Karen Chapman Ohio State University corn nitrogen rate recommendations follow a unified framework used throughout the Corn Belt. Together with six other states (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin), the Ohio recommended nitrogen rates are not based on yield goals, but on economic returns. Corn yield responses along with corn and nitrogen prices are used to calculate the point at which the last unit of added nitrogen returns a yield increase large enough to pay for the added nitrogen cost.

Reduced Cost Manure Samples and Soil Samples Available to Pork Producers Glen Arnold, CCA The Ohio Pork Council, Brookside Labs, Menke Consulting Inc., and OSU Extension ?are teaming up to encourage pork producers to learn more about livestock manure and soil sampling by offering discounts on manure sample analysis and soil sample analysis through the end of 2018.

Soil sample bags and manure containers have been mailed to approximately 18 county Extension offices in central and western Ohio. Sample containers are also available by stopping in at Brookside Labs. For pork producers to participate they need to follow these steps.

Spring Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley Laura Lindsey Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley (including spring management) is now available online at: Keep in mind, this is a working document that will be updated as we learn more about winter malting barley management.

?What?s your number?? The SCN Coalition is launched Anne Dorrance, Terry Niblack Over the course of the next year, you will hear much about the pest, soybean cyst nematode.? No stranger to Ohio, since the 1980?s, farmers in Ohio have been monitoring this pest.? The first surveys, early 1990?s, SCN occurred sporadically in the state but some populations were very high.? In a survey of fields in southern Ohio, high populations of SCN were found in fields where yields were consistently low.? One of the more recent check-off funded projects, identified that more fields than 20 years ago has SCN.? Among the 143 fields sampled at a depth of 6 to 8 inches in 51 counties in Ohi

Inversion and Drift Mitigation Workshop to be held April 10 Cindy Folck Do you know the weather conditions that contribute to inversions? A workshop on April 10 will focus on tools to help farmers recognize inversions and other weather conditions that affect drift. Aaron Wilson, weather specialist and atmospheric scientist, will discuss weather trends and how to recognize inversions. Additionally, workshop attendees will learn about the new tools available through the Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry by Field Watch to increase communication between field crop and specialty crop growers.

Pay Attention to Nozzle Selection to Meet Label Requirements for the New 2,4-D and Dicamba Products Erdal Ozkan Generally, this is the time of the year you complete shopping for nozzles because the spraying season is just around the corner. This task must be on top of your to do list if you are one of those who will be applying the new 2,4-D or Dicamba products for crops that are resistant to these products. If you plan to use Dicamba products for weed control, you better check the labels because you now have to use one of the nozzles they recommend on their labels, and operate those nozzle within a recommended range of pressures.

Debbie Brown, CCA (Shelby County)
Jeff Stachler (Auglaize County)
Glen Arnold, CCA (Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management ) Sam Custer (Darke County) Mike Gastier, CCA (Huron County) Chris Zoller (Tuscarawas County) Harold D. Watters, CPAg/CCA (Field Specialist Agronomic Systems) Mark Badertscher (Hardin County) Rory Lewandowski, CCA (Wayne County) Amanda Douridas (Champaign County) Les Ober, CCA (Geauga County) Bruce Clevenger, CCA (Defiance County) Eric Richer, CCA (Fulton County) Peter Thomison (Extension Specialist, Corn Production) Mike Estadt (Pickaway County) Elizabeth Hawkins (Field Specialist Agronomic Systems) Mary Griffith (Madison County) Anne Dorrance (Extension Specialist, Soybean Diseases) Dennis Riethman (Mercer County) Garth Ruff (Henry County) Wayne Dellinger (Union County) Trevor Corboy (Greene County) Steve Culman (State Specialist, Soil Fertility) Lee Beers, CCA (Trumbull County ) Sarah Noggle (Paulding County)

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