Future Courses

MA Core Course

T&L 874 Classroom-Based inquiry

The purpose of this course is to help teachers develop an understanding of the methods, purposes, and benefits of classroom based inquiry. Students in the course will study the history and philosophical underpinnings of classroom-based inquiry; issues related to implementation; models as examples; and be able to critique and design classroom based inquiry.

MA Research Requirement

P&L 798 Qualitative Research

The objectives of this class are for each participant to develop an introductory understanding of qualitative research. Students will study, synthesize and apply knowledge about qualitative research, including (a) origins and founding assumption, (b) questions and topics appropriate for qualitative research, (c) the role of paradigm and perspective, (d) research design, (e) methods of data collection and analysis, (f) research ethics, and (g) the writing of research reports. As a central learning component of the course, students will develop a proposal and practice field method techniques.

MA elective, Mathematics Education

T&L 812 Teaching Mathematics

Investigations of research, practice, and classroom activities will introduce the masters student to the expectations of teaching mathematics for understanding. Taught from a K-12 perspective, course work is expected to be grounded in the teacher’s own classroom experiences.  The NCTM 200 Principles and Standards and the Ohio Department of Education Mathematics Academic Content Standards are applied in lessons and instructional strategies such as lessons integrating literature, lessons presented as centers, and lessons toward classroom equity. 

MA elective, Mathematics Education

T&L 727.10 Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)

Readings, interactive experiences, application in classrooms, and discussions will provide the theoretical framework and background related to identified topics. Developmental and inquiry-based experiences will provide the students with an opportunity to build their own knowledge regarding children’s thinking about mathematics. The focus of the coursework and content readings will be problem solving, inquiry, and assessment of children’s mathematical thought. Content foci include problem types, solution strategies, and instructional strategies in Cognitively Guided Instruction.

MA elective, Mathematics Education

T&L 802.04 Mathematical Processes: Problem Solving

Objectives of this class are for each participant to develop an informed, research-based understanding of the following pedagogical components of a problem-solving classroom: Curriculum appropriate for a constructivist problem solving environment; Diverse solution strategies of open problems; A constructivist environment supporting student development of mathematical voice; and Appropriate instructional strategies for teaching in a problem-based classroom.

Students will study the role of problem solving in school mathematics, the many misconceptions and difficulties involved in learning problem solving, the role a focus on problem solving can play in organizing mathematics instruction, and the issues related to assessing problem solving and the disproportionate numbers of underrepresented students performing less well in mathematical problem solving.  Students will be expected to demonstrate competence by, among other things, analyzing problem types, problem-solving solution strategies, children’s thinking, and assessment, and by designing developmental problem posing skills to address mathematics education problems.

MA elective, Mathematics Education

T&L 727.26 Perspectives on Gender and Mathematics

Objectives of this class are for each participant to be able to demonstrate, through reflective writings, the development of a definition of equity to suit individual needs; demonstrate an understanding of the role of cultural, feminist and other perspectives in equity efforts in mathematics education; evaluate and design alternative assessments to promote better insights into girls’ understanding of mathematics; demonstrate an understanding of the role of gender and its social construction in the teaching and learning of mathematics;  demonstrate an understanding women’s’ ways of knowing mathematics; evaluate and design pedagogically sound gender-fair classroom activities in mathematics, particularly cooperative problem solving and inquiry methods.

M.Ed., Middle Childhood

P&L 890 Action research to Understand and Improve Educational Practices

The purpose of this course is to help teachers develop an understanding of the methods, purposes, and benefits of classroom based inquiry. Students in the course will study the history and philosophical underpinnings of classroom-based inquiry; issues related to implementation; models as examples; and be able to critique and design classroom based inquiry.

M.Ed. Required Course

T&L 925.10 MA Capstone

This seminar provides a culminating experience for students in the Integrated Teaching and Learning Master of Arts program.  During the seminar, students will critically examine major educational topics and issues, take responsibility for gathering and synthesizing pertinent research, take a leadership role in class discussions and develop comprehensive outlines along the following program themes: 1. Developmental issues; 2. Different meanings of integration; 3. Sociocultural issues in teaching and learning (includes race, class, and/or gender); and 4. Inquiry processes related to Integrated Teaching and Learning.  Students are expected to collaborate and to share their information with the instructor and class.