Summary of new plants

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend our spring update in Wooster late last month. I’m always amazed and humbled by our awesome cooperators and your continued dedication to the Phenology Garden Network.

A summary of our update can be found here, including the update PowerPoint and links to projects including the Ohio Bee Atlas, red maple study and English ivy study.

Be sure to let me know if you have a mature patch of English ivy (growing up a tree, mature leaves) to monitor this year for date of bloom.

Here’s a list of our 2017 plant additions:

Perennials provided to interested gardens in 2017

Asclepias incarnata Swamp milkweed
Liatris aspera Rough blazing star
Parthenium integrifolium Wild quinine
Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth aster

Shrubs provided to interested gardens in 2017

Cephalanthus occidentalis ‘Sugar Shack’
Cephalanthus occidentalis Straight species
Fothergilla gardenii Straight species
Fothergilla x intermedia ‘Mt. Airy’
Sambucus canadensis ‘Bob Gordon’
Sambucus canadensis Straight species

Thanks, everyone, and be sure to let me know if you have questions, needs or suggestions.
