Additional Streaming Films through Alexander Street Press

In addition to the Criterion Collection, we acquired some other streaming modules recently:

Silent Film Online –
New World Cinema: Major Independent Features and Shorts, 1990-Present –

and some others. Once you are in one database in Alexander Street Press you can search for a title across all the modules we have. Also, it’s possible to see the other modules by clicking the dropdown menu under “Collections”.

Criterion Collection streaming films available through Alexander Street Press

OSU Libraries now has 312 films from the Criterion Collection available for streaming.  The database can be accessed through the Research Databases list on our website or at this link .

The collection includes films in these areas:

Research Commons Spring Workshops

The Research Commons spring workshop schedule – covering topics such as research posters, funding opportunities, data management, digital scholarship, and more – is now open for registration.  Please visit the Events page to register for specific sessions.


The first workshop is next Wednesday, January 28th and covers the topic of research posters:


Prepare, Present, and Preserve: Moving Your Research Posters from Physical to Digital

Looking for tips on how to prepare an eye-catching and informative research poster? Curious about how to archive and increase access to your poster so it can still make an impact long after the forum is over? Join the Knowledge Bank and the Undergraduate Research Office to learn more about best practices for preparing research posters and opportunities to preserve them digitally. If you’re a graduate preparing for the Hayes or an undergraduate preparing for the Denman, then this session is for you!

Who: OSU graduates and undergraduates

When: Wednesday, January 28, 5:00 – 6:30pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 150A/B


Open Access Fund for OSU Authors to Pilot October 20

The Ohio State University Open Access Fund pilot provides funding to OSU authors (faculty members, staff, and students) who wish to publish their work in peer-reviewed, Open Access journals that charge author fees. Beginning October 20, 2014, the Fund provides awards of up to $1000/article, which will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis for publications that meet the eligibility criteria.

Members of the OSU community can apply for funds upon acceptance of their article by completing the online application form available October 20, 2014.

As a pilot, the project will continue until funds are exhausted, at which point all aspects of the project will be analyzed and reviewed. We welcome comments from the OSU community about the pilot Fund.

The Ohio State University Open Access Fund pilot is funded jointly by The Ohio State University Libraries ($10,000) and the Health Sciences Library ($10,000), and is coordinated by the University Libraries’ Digital Content Services Department. Contact with questions.

Research Commons Fall Workshops

Although the Research Commons does not yet have its physical home in the 18th Avenue Library, it is sponsoring a series of fall workshops aimed at connecting Ohio State faculty, postdocs, graduates, and undergraduates to resources and services that can enable and support their research.

Workshop topics for the fall include finding and applying for funding, planning for data management, strategies for digital scholarship, tools for finding collaborators, navigating copyright and commercialization issues, and more.

Visit the Research Commons Events page to see descriptions of each of the fall workshops and to register to attend.

If you have questions or comments, please email

The complete workshop schedule and links to register for specific workshops are also included in the body of the email below.

October 2014

Habits of Highly-Effective PIs: Succeeding in Research at Ohio State

Want to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of PIs at Ohio State?  Looking for resources to support your research productivity?  Want assistance with data management planning?  Join the Office of Research and the Libraries’ Data Management Services for an overview of research support services that can save you time and contribute to your success.

Who: OSU faculty and research staff

When: Thursday, October 2, 12:30 – 2:30pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 165




Keys to Research Success:  Keeping Your Data Organized

Tired of searching for lost files?  Worried the spreadsheet you’re editing isn’t the most recent version of your data?  Looking for a better way to keep track of your methods and results?  Join the Libraries’ Data Management Services and the Undergraduate Research Office to learn more about creating a file naming system, tracking versions, and maintaining meaningful metadata for your research projects.

Who: OSU graduates and undergraduates

When: Friday, October 17, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 150A/B




Fair Use and You: Copyright Considerations for Writing Theses and Dissertations

Want to know more about how copyright law and fair use affect what you can and can’t use in your work?  Have you hit a wall with your writing and need some support to get back on track?  Join the Copyright Resources Center and the Writing Center for an overview of author’s rights, copyright, and the services offered to help keep you productive as a writer.

Who: OSU graduates and undergraduates

When: Tuesday, October 21, 3:00 – 4:30pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 165




Opening Access to Your Research: Strategies for Digital Scholarship

Curious about ways to disseminate your work online?  Thinking about creating a website or blog to showcase your research?  Wondering what your options are for publishing digital content at Ohio State?  Join ODEE and the Libraries Publishing Program to learn more about increasing the visibility and impact of your research through digital scholarship.

Who: OSU faculty, postdocs, and graduates

When: Friday, October 24, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Where: 18th Avenue Library, Room 070/090




Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization

Concerned about retaining ownership of your research output or getting assistance with publisher’s agreements?  Interested in turning your intellectual property into business opportunities or products?  Join the Copyright Resources Center and the Technology Commercialization Office for a discussion of important things to consider for protecting and promoting original research.

Who: OSU faculty and postdocs

When: Wednesday, October 29, 2:00 – 4:00pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 165




November 2014


Getting Grants: Finding Funding and Planning for Data Management

Want tips on finding funding opportunities and making your grant applications clear and persuasive to sponsors?  Need to know what you should be including in your data management plans?  Join the Office of Research and the Libraries’ Data Management Services for a discussion about best practices and valuable tools for successfully navigating the research funding process at Ohio State.

Who: OSU faculty, postdocs, and graduates

When: Tuesday, November 4, 1:00 – 3:00pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 165




Publishing Images in the Digital World

Interested in learning more about the basics of digital imaging, including image quality, reproduction, and file types? Need to know how to locate and clear rights to use images in a publication? Join the Fine Arts Librarian and the Copyright Resources Center for an overview of issues associated with preparing and publishing images in print and electronic formats.


This workshop is primarily aimed at graduate and undergraduate researchers in Art, Art Education, Art History, Cinema Studies, Design, and Material and Visual Culture, but is open to researchers in all disciplines interested in learning more about formatting and publishing images.  Due to limits on available technology, this workshop will be capped at 15 attendees.

When: Wednesday, November 5, 5:00 – 6:30pm
Where: Fine Arts Library (located on the lower level of The Wexner Center for the Arts)




Undisciplined Research: Planning and Publishing Across Disciplinary Boundaries

Looking for collaborators in other disciplines at Ohio State?  Want to hear about options for sharing your work digitally or starting a new open access journal?  Join ODEE and the Libraries’ Digital Content Services to learn more about valuable tools for finding collaborators and making your work more accessible to researchers in other disciplines.

Who: OSU faculty and postdocs

When: Friday, November 14, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Where: 18th Avenue Library, Room 070/090




Research Writing 101: Best Practices for Citation Management

Looking for tips on creating an annotated bibliography and keeping your references organized?  Want to learn more about the citation management tools available to you at Ohio State?  Join the Writing Center and the Libraries’ Research Services for a discussion about the resources that can keep you efficient and organized as you prepare to publish your research.

Who: OSU graduates and undergraduates

When: Thursday, November 20, 11:00am – 12:30pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 150A/B




December 2014


Human Subjects Research: Assistance with IRB Forms and Data Management

Want assistance with the IRB process?  Interested in learning more about best practices for collecting, managing, and curating human subjects research data?  Join the Office of Responsible Research Practices and the Libraries’ Data Management Services for an overview of the services available for navigating IRB submissions and managing human subjects research data at Ohio State.

Who: OSU faculty, postdocs, and graduates

When: Tuesday, December 2, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Where: Thompson Library, Room 150A/B



Book Donations

book pickupThe Friends of the OSU Libraries accept donations of gently used books.  The donated books are reviewed by the Libraries’ collection managers, who determine if the books should be added to the Libraries’ collection.  Hundred of these books are added, enriching the resources available to students, faculty and the community.

Books that are not added to the collection are sent to Better World Books, which sells the books through several online sites.  A portion of the profits are returned to the Friends of the OSU Libraries to support various Friends’ projects.  Another percentage of the sales go to a selected literacy-based organization.

If you live in the greater Columbus area and have a large quantity of books you would like to donate, please submit your request here or call 614-688-8676 to arrange to have the books picked up.  Donations must be boxed for pickup.  You will receive a donation acknowledgement form you can use for tax purposes.

Please note that the Libraries are not able to accept encyclopedia sets, journals, magazines or Reader’s Digest.

16mm Films Available to Borrow through the CIC

The CIC  has made available 16mm films to members.  These films are located at the University of Iowa Main Library. 85 films are available to users at CIC institutions for use in classrooms, independent studies, and research.  To view the titles, check the guide at . To borrow a film, contact OSU Library’s interlibrary services.

New! Oxford Bibliographies

OSU Libraries now has access to Oxford Bibliographies.  You can use the database by going through the “Research Databases” link from the library web page or here at .

A description from their website: “developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.”