Extension Digital Engagement Webinar Series

All webinars will be recorded and posted on the Extension Ed Tech YouTube channel.

Future Webinar Dates and Topics

All webinars will begin at 10am unless otherwise noted. Stay tuned for registration information.

Podcasting – Monday, April 29th

Danae Wolfe
Podcasting is becoming an increasingly popular medium of entertainment and education for its ease of accessibility and affordability. In this session, participants will learn the basics of getting started with podcasting. From equipment to storyboarding ideas, everyone will leave with inspiration for starting their own Extension podcast. Register here: https://osu-cfaes.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HKhzE78CTUKCrJVbWZzQCQ

Getting Started with Zoom – Monday, May 20th

Danae Wolfe
Zoom is a robust digital tool that offers HD quality video-conferencing with screen-sharing capability. From hosting small committee meetings to offering educational webinars, Zoom allows people to connect in from all corners of the state or nation. Additionally, Zoom allows you to record meetings and webinars so even those unable to join live can engage with your content. This webinar will offer best practices for using Zoom to host small video meetings and large educational webinars while showcasing built-in engagement tools like polling, whiteboard, and breakout rooms.

Developing Branded Infographics with Piktochart – Monday, July 29th

Danae Wolfe
Infographics offer a great way to help audiences consume statistic-heavy information in a fun and engaging way. This webinar will introduce participants to the basics of using the free online program, Piktochart, to design and publish branded interactive infographics that can be shared on social media, posted on websites, or printed.

Assessing Impact and Engagement of Digital Learning – Monday, August 5th

Debby Lewis and Danae Wolfe
Evaluating impact is a priority of Extension programs. Assessing the impact of digital content and online learning opportunities is no less important than assessing the impact of traditional face-to-face programs, but it does require a bit more planning and preparation. Evaluation should be fully integrated into the development and design of online learning opportunities. This webinar will offer participants helpful information on incorporating evaluation into formal online learning through online courses and webinars and informal online learning through social media, videos, and e-newsletters.

Accessibility – Monday, September 23rd

Megan Fogel (ODEE)
Megan Fogel, Office of Distance Education and e-Learning (ODEE)
As a public institution, The Ohio State University and OSU Extension have a responsibility to create and disseminate content that is accessible to all audiences. Creating accessible contents means reducing barriers to content consumption and comprehension. Examples include ensuring that screen readers can easily read written text aloud, assigning alternate text to graphics so they may be appropriately described, and including captions with video content. This webinar will cover the basics of creating accessible digital content and cover OSU’s legal obligations in offering content that is accessible to all audiences.


Questions or comments?

Contact Danae Wolfe

Innovate 2017 – Registration Now Open

Are you looking for new ways you can use technology to make an impact in your work? Join the Office of Distance Education and eLearning in the Ohio Union on May 16 for Innovate 2017, Ohio State’s annual learning technology conference. Our conference brings together educators, administrators, and tech industry professionals from Ohio State and beyond to explore recent advancements, best practices, and provocative approaches to teaching and learning with technology.

With Impact as our theme for 2017, we’re sharing innovations that let educators re-imagine their instruction without sacrificing pedagogical quality and rigor. Our conference schedule is packed full with inspiration for educators at any level of experience using technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Don’t miss out on this free professional development and networking opportunity – reserve your spot today!

Canvas Survey

Recently the CFAES eTeam developed a short feedback survey for faculty/staff regarding Canvas to find out what is working well for folks and where the challenges remain.  We will share this collective data with ODEE, as well.  Many eTeam reps have already sent this out to department email lists.

The CFAES eTeam is hoping to gather insight about how Canvas is being used to deliver courses.  This information will enable eTeam members and ODEE help desk to offer better support and training for faculty and staff.  Additionally, your comments will help us suggest future improvements to ODEE and Canvas for more efficient course delivery.

We have 46 surveys returned so far and want to keep it open through the first week of classes to make sure everyone’s voice is heard.

Please use the link below to fill out the survey.  Thank you for your participation.


Distance Ed News Update

I hope you are all settling into the new semester.  The first week has definitely seen some bumps along the way with many of you moving your courses from D2L (Carmen) to Canvas.  I think they have fixed most, if not all, of the glitches we all saw the past 2 weeks.  I have heard of some isolated cases, though, where some students weren’t able to access their courses. In my own course, I have one student who can’t get the discussion board to work.  Continue to contact the ODEE help folks with any issues you are seeing.

I would also like to take this moment to say a huge Thank You to all of the CFAES eTeam folks that have been working long hours to help our departments through the past couple of weeks!

Also a reminder that if you need assistance in moving your course materials to Canvas, to send me a quick email note with your course title, dept and when the course is being offered.  I’m at namuth-covert.1@osu.edu. CFAES has hired an instructional designer contractor to help us this year in the transition.  She is available to help distance courses, as well as on campus ones.  Working with faculty and eTeam designers (if your dept has one), she will copy over materials.  We are keeping her time focused, so any day to day questions on using Carmen or problems you are running into are better answered by your department’s Carmen Affiliate or ODEE help desk.

Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD
Professor, Director of Online Education and Outreach
The Ohio State University
Ohio State ATI and the College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Wooster, OH 44691
402-483-1338 Office

eLearning Update & Important Information

Hi, everyone.  I hope you’ve enjoyed a long holiday weekend!

Today I have a few quick items regarding moving to Canvas for this week’s DEEP thoughts (Determined Engaging eLearning Propulsion).

1. Our CFAES eTeam has a working group that will be developing a course template which anyone can use.  It will have commonly used CFAES info, instructions for students, etc.  It can be used as a starting point for building Canvas courses.  The eTeam is looking at templates ODEE has drafted, as well as some other colleges to take what elements fit well for our courses/students and then adding in any modifications.  We’ll send out an announcement when that is ready.  It will be in the Commons area and takes just a few seconds to download to your course.

2.  If you have a certificate program or course(s) in the current Carmen (Desire 2 Learn) platform, where you have participants that have temporary .osu guest accounts, you can copy over your course to the new Canvas site.  Send an email to carmen@osu.edu to request they set this up for you (the shell).  ODEE will be creating these in the next couple of months, once they have the academic courses done.

3.  If you have a professional development course in Moodle, where you have participants that do NOT have temporary .osu guest accounts, hang tight for a couple of weeks.  We (CFAES) are continuing our discussions of best options.  We are working through some final details now.  Our hope is to have access to a second instance of Canvas where courses can be developed fresh and/or moved from Moodle.  Guest .osu accounts will not be needed, so enrolling participants will be more smooth, as well as opportunities for co-teaching with colleagues not at OSU.  It will also be more seamless for our students/participants, many of which will become familiar with Canvas during their academic careers with us.  It will also be much easier for our CFAES support teams and faculty, just needing to become proficient with one learning management system.


-Dr. Deana

Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD  

Professor, Director of Online Education and Outreach

The Ohio State University

Ohio State ATI and the College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

 Wooster, OH 44691

402-483-1338 Office



eLearning Update – Important Contact Information

Hi, everyone-

A few quick items for this week’s DEEP thoughts.

1.  Here is a really great CamRelay demo recording Ken Kulka did for us, since he was not able to attend the recent webinar as planned due to a family emergency.  Don’t hesitate to contact him or I if you have further questions about using CamRelay to record videos/lectures.


2.  I’ve had a few faculty asking me questions about the Canvas migration.  One question was if this will effect Carmen Connect and any recordings there.  The answer is no, these are different systems.  CarmenConnect will continue as it is.  ODEE has done a fairly recent upgrade to Connect, so you can now save recordings as mp4 files, which can then be edited as you need.  It also seems the screwy bugs we kept running into are now fixed after they upgraded some server power last summer.

Another question I get is what training/support will there be in the move to Canvas.  If your courses are part of a program that ODEE helped develop, they will take care of the move.  ODEE will also be providing trainings to help all of us in moving any courses that are not part of such a program.  Talk with your CFAES eTeam rep for more details.  They can also get a Roadshow type of training scheduled for your department, where ODEE will come give you the training.  I am also researching our options for possibly providing CFAES assistance for the migration.  Stay in close contact with your eTeam rep as details unfold.  I will also provide updates in this newsletter venue.

3.  Our April CFAES eTeam meeting will be looking at marketing/communications aspects to help support our online courses/extension events and programs.  Let me or your rep know of any specific needs you have in this regard.

4.  One more thing I am researching with our CFAES teams is what LMS solution will best fit our needs for professional development and extension online courses.  We’re looking at options within OSU, eXtension and a collaboration called Unizin.  In CFAES we have a few teams ready to spin off online professional development modules from either live face-to-face extension workshops or from academic course materials.  I’ll also keep you posted on this as we move forward.

5.  Here is the current list of CFAES eTeam reps:

ACEL (Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership) –

Emily Buck, Associate Professor, buck.210@osu.edu

Graham Cochran, Associate Professor & Interim Chair, cochran.99@osu.edu

Animal Sciences  –

Mike Chakerian, Senior Systems Manager,  chakerian.1@osu.edu

ATI (Agricultural Technical Institute)–

Valerie Childress, Instructional Aids Associate, childress.39@osu.edu

Amy Kohmetscher, Instructional Development Spec, kohmetscher.1@osu.edu

CFAES Communications –

Suzanne Steel, Asst Dir, College Communication  steel.7@osu.edu

CFAES Director of eLearning-

Deana Namuth-Covert, Professor, namuth-covert.1@osu.edu

CFAES Information Technology Services –

Chris Dicus, Digital Media Producer, dicus.1@osu.edu

Ken Kulka, Instr Dev Spec, kulka.1@osu.edu

Randy Nemitz, Senior Systems Manager, nemitz.1@osu.edu

Entomology –

Wendy Klooster, Academic Program Coordinator, klooster.2@osu.edu

Extension –

Jamie Seger, Program Director, seger.23@osu.edu

Danae Wolfe, Prog Spec, Education Tech, Program Specialist  wolfe.540@osu.edu

Food Science and Technology –

Steven Simmons, Laboratory Supervisor, simmons.263@osu.edu

Alvarez Valente, Food Industry Center Director, Alvarez.23@osu.edu (Steven & Alvarez just want meeting notes at this point and maybe join committee later)

Horticulture and Crop Sciences –

Bruce Ackley, Program Specialist, ackley.19@osu.edu

Meredith Luikart, Program Assistant, luikart.6@osu.edu

ODEE (ODEE Scholarship)-

Jacob Bane, Sr Instruct Dsg/Instr Development Specialist, bane.17@osu.edu

Plant Pathology –

Sarah Williams, Academic Program Specialist, williams.4263@osu.edu

School of Environmental and Natural Resources –

Kylienne Clark, Instructional Aids Associate, clark.1912@osu.edu

Tim Morton, SENR Systems Specialist, morton.162@osu.edu

AEDE (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics) – TBD

FABE (Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering – TBD



Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD  

Professor, Director of Online Education and Outreach

The Ohio State University

Ohio State ATI and the College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

 Wooster, OH 44691

402-483-1338 Office


elearning Update

Determined Engaging eLearning Propulsion (DEEP)

For this week’s report, I want to draw your attention to three items:

1.  ACEL has recently created a new position to help support their online efforts, with an application deadline of April 3.  Please spread the word and let Graham (cochran.99)  know of any questions or potential candidates.  Here are some details from Graham:

ACEL Graduate and eLearning Program Coordinator

Under the direction of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) Chair, this position serves as coordinator for the department’s graduate programs (M.S., M.Ed. & Ph.D. in Agricultural and Extension Education (AEE)) and supports departmental distance education and eLearning; coordinates logistics for marketing, recruitment, and application review for graduate students; works closely with and supports the Chair and the Director of Graduate Studies of ACEL with all graduate student services; serves as primary contact for AEE Online M.S. and as a liaison between Office of Distance Education and eLearning  (ODEE)  and ACEL; responsible for AEE Online M.S. recruitment, student services, program quality monitoring, and improvements; provides support for ACEL distance education and eLearning efforts in collaboration with department faculty, Extension program staff, designers, and IT specialists across the department, college, and ODEE; assists with the design and delivery of online courses/outreach programming within subject area of expertise.

More information and details on how to apply are available online on jobsatosu:


2.  The CFAES eTeam held its spring webinar this past week.  The topic was on recording lectures, as well as creating and using video snipits in extension events or courses.  The recorded webinar is at: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p9eip99xf2r/

Ken Kulka (CFAES IT) was unable to attend due to an unexpected family emergency.  He’ll be recording information about CamRelay soon and we’ll share that link, as well.  Thanks to our second presenter, Preeti Palvankar, at ODEE who shared information about Media Site.

Many thanks to the eTeam and in particular, Meredith Luikart (HCS) who took the lead on planning, marketing, developing  and delivering this webinar event.  Amy Kohmetscher (ATI) also helped with planning and Valerie Childress (ATI) provided additional assistance with the delivery.

3.  In case you haven’t heard yet, OSU will be migrating away from Desire 2 Learn (Carmen) and to a new learning management system (Canvas).  Be in close contact with your department’s eTeam rep about further details.  You can request a training event from ODEE for your department to learn more about Canvas and how to move materials over.  I am exploring what needs we have within departments to make this move smooth.  Canvas has some great opportunities for us, so the temporary pain of moving will be well worth it.  Considerable research and testing was done before OSU made the final decision to switch LMS platforms.

– Deana

Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD
Professor, Director of Online Education and Outreach
The Ohio State University
Ohio State ATI and the College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Wooster, OH 44691
402-483-1338 Office

CamRelay and Mediasite Webinar – March 24

Determined Engaging eLearning Propulsion (DEEP)

CamRelay_MediaSite Webinar Flyer3

For this week’s DEEP story and minute to stop, breath deep and reflect, I wanted to let you know of an upcoming webinar the eTeam has put together for March.  Here is more info:

Are you interested in recording class lectures, seminars, or guest speakers? The CFAES eTeam will be hosting a webinar on recording basics and welcome you to participate and learn what tools are available to faculty, staff, and extension employees. The webinar will cover recording tools such as MediaSite, CamRelay, and provide examples of possible recorded content. The webinar will be held on CarmenConnect on Thursday March 24 at 10:00 AM. The link for the CarmenConnect room is: https://carmenconnect.osu.edu/cfaesonline. See the flyer for more specific topics planned for you.  Have questions? Contact Meredith Luikart, luikart.6@osu.edu.


Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD  

Professor, Director of Online Education and Outreach

The Ohio State University

Ohio State ATI and the College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

 Wooster, OH 44691

402-483-1338 Office

