
Graduate students final defense presentations (exit seminars)

‘Effects of Short-Term Chilling Stress on Seedling Quality and Post-Transplanting Growth of Grafted and Nongrafted Watermelon’ by John Ertle (MS, Horticulture and Crop Science; June 2020)


‘Effects of Low Nutrient Solution pH on Hydroponic Leafy Green Plant Growth, Nutrient Concentration and Pythium Zoospore Infection ‘ by Dan Gillespie (MS, Horticulture and Crop Science; July, 2019)


Poster presentation

“Theoretical Analyses of Phosphorous Discharge from Substrate-based Production in Greenhouses and Open Fields” presented by Broderick Ball (April 2020) [PDF]




ASHS (American Society for Horticultural Science)

‘Raising Concentration of Hydroponic Nutrient Solution Improves Spinach Plant Growth in Low pH Solution’ by Gio Papio (ASHS, August 10-13, 2020)

‘Flowering Delays Occur in Grafted and Nongrafted Watermelon Seedlings after Chilling during Simulated Long-Distance Transportation’ by John Ertle (ASHS, August 10-13, 2020)


GLASE webinar

‘Off season strawberry production under controlled environment’ by Chieri Kubota (GLASE webinar, November 21, 2019)

Indoor Ag Science Cafes
‘Cafe #1: Eyes on CO2’ by Chieri Kubota

‘Cafe #6: Working with numbers to assess your productivity – g/kWh & g/mol PAR’ by Chieri Kubota


Ohio Winter Strawberry Day and Open House – January 6th, 2018.

‘Overview of Ohio Strawberry Industry – Challenges and Opportunities’ by Brad Bergefurd (OSU Extension Specialist & Educator)

‘Off-season Greenhouse Strawberry Production – Opportunities in Ohio and the Midwest Regions’ by Dr. Chieri Kubota