And the Oscar goes to… your testicles!

This week is Testicular Cancer Awareness week – because nothing else says “spring is here” like grabbing your package – so to follow-up on our posts about the L.A.N.C.E. of testicular cancer (parts one and two), Student Health Services has created our very own movie about how to talk to your friends about testicular cancer!

After you watch the video, be sure to check out this really cool website to learn how to do a testicular self exam and take their poll that asks that all important question – “How many times a day do you touch your balls?”

We hope it’s often (OK… not too often… and not that… you know what we mean… get your mind out of the gutter) and regularly.  And if you notice something that shouldn’t be there, or feels different than it did the last time you checked, make sure you come in to see us so we can check it out!

Victoria Rentel, MD

John A. Vaughn, MD