Sub-mm-wave Antennas


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Antennas are critical component of modern wireless communication, imaging, radar and other applications. I have been involved in design of some of such designs.

100 GHz 24dBi, CP-Radial Line Slot array Antenna:

We developed one of the first RLSA’s for WR-8 band applications (peak gain at 106 GHz). Here is the link for the full paper. The optimization was conducted using the optimization of radial section with Master/Salve boundary conditions. We used particle swarm optimization for the aperture design. A modification is traditional RLSAs was a vertical waveguide feed, that allows the structure to become a single layer design. This makes the structure easier to fabricate and cheaper.

Fabricated_antenna_pic_bright_low1           Freq_Gain_sweep

 Novel-Phaseless CP-Gain Characterization Method for mmWave and THz Antennas:

Circularly polarized antennas in sub-mm-wave and terahertz bands are very difficult to be characterized. This is because their measurement requires measurement of gain (corresponding phase) in two orthogonal planes. Since this is a phased measurement, and requires phase consistency while rotating the AUT, it is not easy to conduct. The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that AUTs are connected to freq. extender units using wavegudies (due to lack of coaxial cables in WR-8 band and beyond). The issues are much more severe in higher frequency bands.

We have proposed a phaseless measurement method, that u ses reflection based steps to characterize such AUTs


The full IEEE transaction paper can be referred from here

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