Nations of Equality?

Last month I had a once in a lifetime opportunity. I travelled thousands of miles to study some of the world’s most amazing animals in their natural habit in South Africa. The trip took lots of preparation and thousands of saved dollars. As a foreigner in South Africa, I was able to see and study over 70 different species that are native only to Africa.

My experience was amazing, but what was the experience of a native? The answer is simple, they didn’t have an experience. In fact, most South Africans never go on a safari. They never get to visit their national parks.

The harsh reality is that it is easier for an American to spend thousands of dollars and travel halfway around the world than it is for most South Africans to visit their own parks.

For starters, the parks are located far away from the city. As a tourist travelling with The Ohio State University, obtaining transportation was no problem at all. But for most South Africans, the cost and time involved here is too high. How can they afford transportation to visit a park when they are living in a shack and struggling to provide for dinner that night?

Upon arrival at the park, whether it be Kruger National Park or a private game reserve, a steep entrance fee must be paid. This is about 30 dollars or 300 South African Rand per person. This would be cost prohibitive for many American families, let alone most South Africans where the average annual income per household is a mere $6,800.

So who was in the park? I would say almost every single person I saw there was white. If you travelled to South Africa and only visited Kruger National Park, based on the people you saw you would think you were in Europe. This is astounding given the fact that over 90% of South Africans are NON-white, the majority being black or colored.

You could have told me that South Africa was still under Apartheid rule and I would have believed you. Every business we visited was owned by white people and operated by black people. The white people lived in fortified neighborhoods that resembled small fortresses, complete with electrified barbed wire fences. The black people lived in small half completed homes or shacks.

It is easy to be duped into thinking that South Africa is somehow equal now that Apartheid has ended. We all know who Nelson Mandela is and when we think of South Africa we think of a brilliant black leader in a country where blacks are thriving under newfound equality. The sad truth is that simply changing the law to declare equality, did not create equality.

You may be thinking, wow, I didn’t realize black South Africans were still suppressed by their country’s racist background! But, how different is this from the United States. How often do you see whites thriving and blacks struggling? South Africa denounced racism just 21 years ago. The United States has had 150 years since the end of slavery and 47 years since the end of the Civil Rights Movement.

Theoretically, we should be light years ahead of South Africa. We are not. It is pretty clear that it takes more than just a change in the code of law to create equality. This is why we need affirmative action. This is why we need equal funding of schools. This is why we need equal enforcement of the law.

Most whites today do not consider themselves racist. But we must understand that we were born into an inherently racist system with lingering effects from the past. We must actively seek to undue and correct for this racist inequality. Active racism isn’t the issue of today, complacent racism is. Are you part of the solution? If not, you are participating in racism and you have the power to change that.

I Need You to Speak

For the past couple months I interned at my county’s rape crisis center. I listened to people describe how they had survived all forms of sexual assault, abuse, and rape every day. After someone asks about your summer, try explaining that you listened to stories of tragic sexual assaut. It often stuns them into an awkward silence as they aren’t quite sure how to respond. For me that is both good and bad. On one hand, it is always disappointing that people are too uncomfortable to talk about such a widespread and critical issue. On the other hand, their silence gives me the perfect opportunity to stand up and speak out. But I can’t be the only one speaking so I want to arm you with some facts I learned this summer so that you can help me too.

I need you to speak.

We all should be talking about sexual assault. We should discuss assault with our friends, our coworkers, and our families. As many as 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. This is an issue that affects all genders, all races, and all socioeconomic statuses. I promise that you know at least one survivor; I can also promise you that you know at least one offender (about 1 in 30 men). These numbers are highly problematic. Sexual assault survivors have a great deal to lose. Surviving sexual assault is a traumatic experience that can have lifelong effects. Many survivors feel guilt or shame about what happened to them because society tells the survivor that it was somehow their fault. So let me make myself clear: sexual assault is always the fault of the perpetrator and NEVER the fault of the survivor.

I need you to speak!

If you catch someone saying that maybe a survivor was too drunk, dressed the wrong way, or was asking for it; I need you to tell him or her that NO ONE asks to be sexually assaulted. Furthermore, to add insult to injury, when survivors come forth they may be dismissed and their claims not considered truthful. They are often threatened and scolded as liars by the very people they depend on to protect them. This can happen for numerous reasons, but the most common reason is they are not believed because their perpetrator is someone they know. Maybe a child was raped by a relative or a close family friend. You would not believe how many mothers protect and believe offenders over their own children. So, if someone comes to you and confides in you that they have been sexually assaulted;


I need you to tell them that you believe them. If an institution wants to silence a survivor in defense of their own reputation, I need you to speak. There is no organization that does not have a responsibility to honestly protect survivors and prevent assaults.


It can be hard and even dangerous for some survivors to speak. So I need you to fight against rape culture, support out survivors, educate your friends and family, and I NEED YOU TO SPEAK!

If you are in need of crisis services or counseling please contact The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO)