A day in the shoes of an Extension Educator

Written by: Blake Campbell
Waterford, Ohio
Community Leadership, Community and Extension Education

I have spent the last few weeks experiencing new and exciting opportunities in my home county, Washington County. Over the course of four weeks I have been working at The Ohio State University Extension Office of Washington County completing my Early Field Experience. My EFE is a part of my major at Ohio State as I am majoring in community leadership with a specialization in community and extension education. These past few weeks have been so much fun as I have gotten to develop skills that will help me in the future.

I am working with Alison Baker the extension educator specializing in 4-H Youth Development. I grew up in Washington County with a huge passion for the fair and 4-H. This same passion led me to go to college and make a career of it. I am so very excited to start this journey in Extension.

Blake assists youth with leadership activities.

Blake assists youth with leadership activities.

I have learned multiple aspects of youth development and education while doing my EFE with Washington County. From attending a horse evaluation to writing a cloverbud connection for the quarterly newsletter, I have expanded my horizon to new and exciting levels. Before starting my EFE I knew little about extension and how they worked with fairs and  4-H, but now I have a better understanding of how extension works. I am very excited to start this fun and exciting career in community and extension education!

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