Congratulations Graduates

On Sunday, December 21, the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) had eight students graduate with a Bachelor of Science, two students with a Master of Science, and two students with their PhD. We are very proud of these students and wish them the best in the next chapter of their lives.

Nicole Steiner
Nicole Steiner

Nicole Steiner, of Creston, Ohio, graduated with degrees in agricultural communication and psychology. After graduation, she will be working as a communications and media specialist at Certified Angus Beef in Wooster Ohio.

A.J Zanyk Photography 2014
Lindsay Bloom

Lindsay Bloom, of Tiffin, Ohio, graduated with a degree in community leadership. After graduation, she will continue her career with DuPon Pioneer and attend graduate school.

Brittany Johnson
Brittany Johnson

Brittanie Johnson, of Hilliard, Ohio, graduated with a degree in community leadership, with a specialization in community and extension education. After graduation, she plans to purse a career in 4-H youth development or programming in order to educate, shape, and grow individuals to create a brighter future. Her long term plans include starting a learning farm where individuals both young and old can come experience where our food comes from and the importance of agriculture.

Dara Ferryman
Dara Ferryman

Dara Ferryman, of Springfield, Ohio, graduated with a degree in agricultural communication. She is currently searching for a communication position in central or western Ohio.

Gabriela Beni, of Twinsburg Township, Ohio, graduated with a degree in agricultural communication. After graduation, she plans to travel abroad.

Jillian Kalis, of St. Clairsville, Ohio, graduated with a degree in community leadership. She plans to work for a non-profit as a volunteer manager or within program development.



Other graduates from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership include:

Jessica Shanahan, B.S. in agricultural communication
Morgan Armbruster, B.S. in community leadership
Elizabeth Isaya, M.S. in agricultural and extension education
Allison Cooper, M.S. in agricultural and extension education
Kirk Bloir, PhD in agricultural and extension education
Brian Raison, PhD in agricultural and extension education


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