NACADA Webinar “Mindset, Right to Fail, and Persistence: Academic Advising in Support of Student Success”

We would like to invite you to view the next NACADA Webinar “Mindset, Right to Fail, and Persistence: Academic Advising in Support of Student Success.”  However, we are going to try something different for viewing/discussion options for this webinar. We are going to offer an in-person viewing opportunity as a group and then a discussion afterwards, so you can participate in both or view the webinar on your own and then join in during the discussion. The information regarding the webinar can be found below:

Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3pm-4pm: In-Person Viewing of Webinar

4pm-5pm: Webinar Discussion

Location: Fontana Lab Room 142

Click on the link to the event recording, which will be available to you through March 10, 2017. As with live attendance, we ask that this link only be shared with others on your campus.

This Event Handout is posted at  If you missed getting it prior to the event, it will remain available for you there for at least the coming month.

Since we are trying something different, we want to make sure we have enough space for everyone. If you are planning to attend either or both options, please email Amanda Crall ( to RSVP.


Amanda Crall, ACADAOS Professional Development Committee Co-Chair